Monday, August 22, 2005

Cars, Trucks, Buses

Rest stops are interesting places. I have been thinking about it due to the fact that I have nothing better to do and I have come to the conclusion that rest stops would make being homeless easy.

I mean sure there are some stipulations. Like you would have to have a car which, depending on how comfortable you want to live, would require you to have a job as well. But a lot of big companies operate near major highways. Like Bristol Myers, or Lockheed to name a couple I am familiar with. The commute to a rest stop from Bristol Myers would probably have been very similar to the commute from my apartment, distance wise. Plus it may cost about a dollar a trip for tolls, at the most. So that’s about sixty bucks a month for “rent”. Plus you got fast food, gas, ATM machine, newspaper, and bathrooms right there.

As far as sleep, you will of course have to make some sacrifices. But this is where you car comes into play. You could get yourself one of those giant conversion vans and live in luxury, or you could get accustomed to sleeping in a bucket seat. If that is the case you may want to consolidate your life and keep as little necessities as possible, so you can at least recline.

Entertainment…that’s easy. If you’re me, you got the guitar…that’s always fun. Plus with all the adapters they have now you can power everything out of your car. Im typing this right now in a rest stop, and I got my cell phone charging at the same time. Not too mention with the Ipod revolution, I got all the music I will ever need, and I can fit it all in my pocket. And today I found out that a lot of rest stops are now including wireless internet…some for free…some for a small fee. It’s only a matter of time before they all have it available.

So as you can see I have thought this out quite a bit. Sure there are downsides, like showering. But once again depending on where you work, there are locker rooms where you can take care of all your hygiene needs.

So its about time we all became homeless and started living in rest stops…Moving from one to the other. Just think of how many people you can meet. Its gotta be better then the bar scene. Especially in Syracuse.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Coming Up Roses

So I have been eating a lot of Burger King on this trip. Not that that is much of a change, considering I was given an Employee discount card at the one in Shoppingtown mall cause I went there to eat so much. The sad part is, I went to the one by my house even more...So I think I have a problem...Where are all my friends with the intervention that is needed? I mean I drove all day starving cause I wouldnt stop til I found an exit that had a Burger King. And boy was it worth it.

Moving on, I am about an hour outside of Nebraska, which sucks. Nebraska is the most boring state to drive through since they legalized gambling in Nevada. Seriously I would rather play real life Oregon Trail and take a horse and buggy across the country if I got to skip Nebraska. You can only take so much Cornfields.

Only about 9 more hours of driving til I am in Denver. So I should be there tomorrow night at the latest. I am still planning on driving for a few more hours tonight, so who knows. I want to get to Denver as soon as possible so I can sleep on a couch. For those of you who dont know already, sleeping sitting up in a bucket seat sucks. A lot. There was one point last night where I backed my car up out of my parking spot a little and tried to sleep on a blanket in front of it, but the bugs liked that way too much. So I decided to take my chances with the lower back pain.

I think I saw Colin Farrell in the backseat of a beat up cavalier with a wierd old couple driving. He looked at me with this scared look on his face. I think he was kidnapped by those old people. Keep your eyes on the headlines.

The First Day of My Life

So the road trip has started. I am currently sitting in a rest stop an hour East of Toledo writing this entry, which you will probably read a lot later. I decided to call it a night for driving, considering I am already way ahead of schedule and don’t have to be in Denver for three more days. That gives me plenty of time.

This is technically my first stop along the way, and I am going to fill my tank for the first time since I left when I head out in the morning. I did stop in Rochester for a Garbage Plate filled dinner. And it was delicious as usual. I went to Henrietta Hots and decided that there macaroni salad needs work. Other then that they have great garbage, or “hot”, plates. I also met this really old Black Guy named Ebons at this particular establishment and I realized that he must have invented Ebonics…Given his name, and the fact that I had no idea what he was saying.

Other then that the road trip has been pretty uneventful so far…obviously. I mean Ive driven through Pennsylvania, where the first road after entering is Gay Road, and Most of Ohio. Talk about the boring part of the trip. I mean Im sure its more fun then Nebraska, but we will find out this time around.

So right now Im going to go get some shut eye, so I can get an early start in the morning…and hopefully get to Chicago at a good time for driving.

I can fit my life in my car.
With the exception of my 12-String Guitar.


So the other day I got to hang out in the studio with Candid for a little while. I didn’t get to see much cause I had shit to do, but I got to watch them play a couple of their new songs, including Termites, and I got to just sit around and bullshit with the band.

Something I found interesting was the setup JP had for himself. He had a long chord for his guitar so that he could sit outside at the switch board and play in front of the band. Perhaps it was for the sole purpose of watching Corey…I don’t really know…I just thought it was interesting.

I will be handing out Candid CDs on this road trip I am taking, or have already taken…depending on when I actually get to post this. I don’t have anyone in the car with me yet, so for now I cant make copies and hand them out. That will change once I get Brian in Denver. Which of course means I wont be able to hand out CDs til I get to the Mid-West and the West Coast. Which is fine, I mean doesn’t everyone just listen to Bluegrass in Oklahoma?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Nature of the Beast...

Through recent late night conversation it has come to my attention how little my friends now about quantum physics and time travel, and other such practices and theories. Even if they are just theories...

After reading "Time Travel In Einsteins Universe" I began to think about "jins". A Jin is something, could be anything, that exists only in a cyclical path in the Time/Space Continuum. For example, lets say a man has a watch that he recieved from his mother when he was a small boy. Later when the man grows older, he travels back in time...(at this point it doesnt matter how, Im not writing this to argue the possibilities of time travel, perhaps another time) the man travels back in time and gives his mother the same watch. This watch then only exists in time and space from the moment the man enters the past to the moment he leaves the "present". This particular watch is a "jin".

Now that you have a general idea of what a "jin" is I propose my theory. The human race could be a "jin" in itself. Lets say that someday a very long time from now, the last human beings decide that in order to survive, or for whatever reason, they travel back in time. Far back in time, before man roamed the Earth. And they of course begin to start living again, pro-creating and whatnot...Thus creating the human race...Thus creating one hell of a "jin".

Now this theory in many ways implies Pre-destination to be a given. Which is in many, many peoples minds a hard thing to grasp, or accept. Which is fine, if we throw some sort of dimensional vector into the equation. Its like in Back to the Future part 2, when old Biff steals the Time Machine, travels back in time, and makes young Biff rich as hell. When he returns the Time Machine to the future when he stole it, its the same future he left...In other words, no rich Biff. That doesnt fit into the equation because of so many reasons. Like who would have created the time machine if Doc Brown was committed, and blah blah blah...I dont want to get into it...Its a movie. However it does provide a good example of how time can branch off into alternate universes or dimensions as we will call them. I know it sounds a little Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for some of us, but there are no Krangs, or Wart-Hog Men in my story. Though there may be a Dimension X.

So lets say the Human "jin" is set up like a giant elipse with a line down the center of it. The line down the center being representative of the time space line as a whole, and traveling across the elipse clockwise representing the path through time for mankind, or the Human "jin". It has the same beginning and same end point on either side of the elipse. Now we could have an infinite number of elipses inside or outside the first elipse. All these elipses would still have the same start point and finish point. At any point, during any decision making process you could branch off into a new elipse, but in the end you will always end up at the same end point in which you loop back around to the same beginning point. And just like that watch brought up earlier, mini elipses can form on the larger ones, causing a "jin" within a "jin". Its interesting to think about, and it opens up the door for endless amounts of further discussion.

Now why elipses?...I really am just using elipses as an illustrator, to make a simple model of the universe I am trying to present. I mean the paths could take any sort of "shape", from a diamond, to a rhombus, to an eratic blob solid, so long as the path intersects with our time space line at the same two spots...Given the fact that there are an infinite number of possibilites for this thing to play out, that would suggest an infinite number of possible dimensions...all with the same outcome, Human beings creating themselves...

I suppose it can still be argued that pre-destination is a factor, but much less of a factor when put this way. I for one am not a big fan of pre-destination which makes the entire concept of time travel back through time quite hard to comprehend with out the idea of multiple dimensions. And being a huge advocate of time travel myself, I am obviously gonna be rooting for the fact that its possible...So climb aboard the Technodrome for some inter-dimensional travel.

Now we wont get into the law of conservation of mass, cause that opens a whole new world of me pretending I know what Im talking about...Not to mention elipse has two l's...

Friday, August 05, 2005

My Take on Relationships

I am beginning to realize that if I wanted more people to read this blog and actually care what I have to say, I am going to have to start rambling about relationships. Dive into my old horror stories, and somtimes even good stories, but we all know the horror stories get the real attention. Of course Im not really going to do this...Im not going to turn my blog into which was somewhat inspired by Not that there is anything wrong with that, its just not what my blog is intended for.

The recently popularity in my pal George's blog (words by a wordsmith) have made me start thinking about relationships myself. Not so much my relationships, I mean I suppose I think about those, or atleast deal with them everyday. Not too mention my brother was recently dumped and has confided in me for advice, cause he knows I have a colorful history with women. So its been on my mind...

It just cracks me up the way people love relationships...hearing about them, witnessing them being created and of course destroyed...Just look at the reality show boom, which was somewhat of an industrial revolution of TV drama. All these shows were created with one common theme. People are forced into relating with other people and drama ensues. And its great. And the ones with the most drama get the highest ratings...It boggles my mind that Temptation Island went off the air. That show was hilarious.

I mean even I love this crap. I recently got into the Real World cause I wanted to see Danny get his face busted in on the first episode...And BAM! I was sucked in for good.

Relationships are crazy...and addicting...I suppose they would have to be considering we deal with them everyday in every different way. But we sure do know how to exploit them.

God Bless America...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Road Ahead

The road trip is lingering over my head and it certainly makes going to work everyday pretty boring and difficult. Sure I don’t actually do anything, but in essence that makes the day go by even longer.

There’s something about a road trip that’s so freeing and so exhilarating. Maybe it’s the cutting all ties and refreshing my life with a month break of doing nothing but driving around hanging out with my best friend Sparky.

Should I be afraid of change? Cause the thing I’m noticing most is the way people have done nothing but say they wish they could do what I was doing, and just pick up and leave. So why don’t they…I guess change is difficult for some people. And I am leaving a lot of comforts and taking a big risk myself, so I guess I can understand why people would be afraid to take a step forward (or backwards) like I am about to do.

I am extremely optimistic about the decision already, even though I am leaving my job (which is pretty high paying), my family, my friends, and my Monday night gig at Manhattans, which has made me feel like a pseudo-local celebrity. I have already become more excited about my guitar playing and my future musical endeavors. I have been playing a lot more, and feel a lot more comfortable just jamming by myself and am beginning to notice how much I have improved in the last year.

So I cannot wait for what another year will bring, especially at the confidence and comfort level I have already reached…