Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Top Of Your Head Is Blinding Me

Tomorrow morning I am waking up, loading my guitar into my car, taking the non-scenic drive to Sacramento, CA and heading back into the studio to continue working on my upcoming album of songs to be released at a later date. Then after being there in front of a microphone and dripping man sweat on a hardwood floor for a bit, I am going to re-enter my car and drive to the Sacramento Airport to pick up my best friend Sparky.

It is there that I will find him with pubes on his face and who knows how much baggage (emotional and physical) - I'm guessing close to zero in both categories - and we will once again return to my vehicle for a short drive back to the studio.

Who knows what sort of awe inspiring thing will happen the next few days, but the arrival of Sparky to California, albeit brief, is a milestone in the making. Surely it is the beginning of something great. Much greater then Nintendo Wii, or even Low Sodium Saltines (which until recently I thought were manufactured using Wizardry).

So there you have it.


Kezza said...

I'm still bummed I missed you guys! It was a crazy week though. At least Friday was a blast! And I'll be back in January! Woohoo!

Nick Shattell said...

Yes if only we werent all so lazy we would have been able to hang out again.

Soon enough...