Friday, November 18, 2005

The Way We Was...

Well, Well, Well...I quit my job.

Hows that for news. I only worked a total of 6 days, and I quit. Some people might argue that I am an idiot, or that I should have stuck it out, but they are wrong. The job was boring for one thing. More boring then church. Second of all it was frustrating me and making me quite unhappy with my life. I felt the same way I did during the last two years at RIT when I wanted to quit school. The only difference is that I am somewhat glad I stuck that out, because I ended up with a degree I can always fall back on, even though it cost me a lot of money.

So I am jobless and I am just working on my music. After the christmas vacation to Syracuse that I have planned in about a month, I will get myself a bullshit job stocking shelves or something. Something that wont eat up my time, or energy. I just need enough cash to get by, and would rather focus my energies on something more important then a career. I will have plenty of time to establish myself in the working world later on. I mean afterall, I am only 25 years old.

So basically I did what I had to do, in order to maintain happiness and productivity in the areas of my life that are most important to me. I have been writing a lot and if you havent checked out my site, there is a link to the right that says, 'My Music'. So check it out.


DwizzyRizzy said...

boy i'd say the job was making you a drag...especially in the bedroom...sicko!

sparkythenomad said...

good work. i think i´m leaving costa rica at the end of january to begin the long trek back to the states. i´m going to try to call you today.