Thursday, January 18, 2007

Advertisements and You

The subject of my last post has really got me thinking about other Ad icons out there. Some have come and gone, and some have really touched our lives, whether they were responsible for our first cavity, or our first heart attack.

Take Tony the Tiger for instance. Who doesn't know his slogan? Who hasn't had a bowl of frosted flakes and stared at his striped face while reading the puzzles on the back of the box or while searching through a bunch of flakes for a small toy of the same tiger staring back at you?

The weird thing I've noticed (and maybe its because I don't watch as much TV anymore), is the absense of Tony lately. As a matter of fact, I have noticed a lack of all sweet cereal promoting creatures. Like the 'Smack's' Frog, that 'Silly Rabbit' who just wants some trix, and the infamous Toucan Sam. Maybe this is a result of some hippie new age parents somewhere complaining that these are negative role models to our children and they are the reason their children are so overweight? Maybe I just need to watch more commercials?

Next we have the Colonel. I'm no huge fan of the Kentucky Fried variety of Chicken, despite the magnificently cheap food they offer. But I thought it was appropriate to talk about another dead icon.

Of course KFC still uses his image, but at least they have cartoonized the Colonel instead of making him a hip zombie (I dont care how much I overuse the zombie joke).

I mean honestly we have to love this guy so much, whether it be the dancing cartoon version or the real thing some years ago...why else would we eat genetically altered chicken strips on a bun with a piece of lettuce for a buck?

Say what you want about KFC, but if they bring back 'The Twister' at the original low price it was introduced I would eat there everyday.

Finally we get to the ad icon among ad icon's. Everyone who grew up in the 90's knows exactly what I am talking about.
Possibly the best and worst decision Energizer has ever made.
The commercials were original and hilarious back in their heyday. Who doesn't remember watching a commercial for some no name product you never heard of, and then the Bunny popping in with that drum beat, doing a spin or two and exiting, leaving the actors in the 'other ' commercial confused as all hell. That was genius.
Any ad symbol or character is technically temporary no matter how long its been around, but not the Bunny. If Energizer gets rid of the Bunny it is advertisement suicide. If something that 'Keeps going and going' ever disappears from my life, I'm going to start questioning the integrity of whatever he was pushing on me. I'll be a copper top man for life.


Kritkrat said...

CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee (AP) -- Six girls at a rural high school were charged with homicide conspiracy after their principal found a list of 300 names and officials discovered online postings suggesting they kill people, authorities said Thursday.

School officials said the list, discovered in a classroom trash can, mostly named students and faculty members but also included Tom Cruise, Oprah Winfrey and the Energizer Bunny.

Nick Shattell said...

Silly girls, you can't kill the Energizer Bunny.