Monday, May 30, 2005

Neil Suchin Prakash

I just got done chit-chatting through the amazing technology known as "Instant Messaging" with my best friend Neil, who is currently stationed in Germany, and he showed me some cool shit I would like to share with all you readers (theres gotta be atleast 2 by now).

First he sent me this video clip ( You have to go to this site and click on the link to watch the MSNBC video. This is a video clip of some sort of interview that took place about Soldiers weblogs. The nerdy guy with glasses starts referencing and giving shout outs to individual blogs. Lastly he gets to Neil, and starts talking about how much his stands out, how great it is, and to top it all off how great Neil is, with several references to his silver star that he won. He even brings up one picture Neil has posted of him taking out a sniper with an RPG next to his tank. The nerdy guy continues by explaining to us that he emailed Neil himself to find out why he would get out of his tank to take out this sniper, expected a reply from Neil somewhere along the lines of "Civilians were in the area" or blah blah blah, technicalities. Neil replied with one sentence..."Because it was cool".

That sums everything up right there. Because it was cool. Thats the basis of my actions. I mean which one of us can honestly say when we are doing something, we arent thinking "Man Im cool"...I know there have been several things I have done (none even close to the things Neil has done) in which I have been thinking to myself, "man I cant wait to tell my friends about this one". Either because it was cool, or I knew it would make them laugh, or both.

But my real point here is that Neil is the man. And people besides the usually obsessed (Sparky and I) are finally starting to realize it. Everyone should read his blog. You will find a link to the right of my posts. Just click on Neil. He even has a literary agent right now pitching book ideas to publishers as we speak. So its only a matter of time before everyone realizes how damn cool this kid really is.

On that note, I am going to go wait for the next time I get to talk to Neil again, and even better the next time I get to hang out with him. In that time I will probably fantasize about his giant silver dollar nipples. Why?...Because its cool.

1 comment:

Nick Shattell said...

Here is a better link...

Neil has the actualy link, but I am dumb and deleted it...

I love Neil