Wednesday, September 13, 2006


iTunes has finally made its way into the Movie business. Obviously we all saw it coming, and personally I've been awaiting it.

Personally I am no DVD buying buff, and its very rare that I actually do buy a movie. TV shows are another story. I buy lots of those, so I was thrilled when I could just make a couple clicks and get my hands on the Office, Scrubs, and Lost, three of my favorite currently running television shows. And now I can do the same with Movies.

Of course, it will be awhile before the available library opens up, but I was doing a little browsing today, and even found 'The Great Mouse Detective' - which is (as some may recall) on my top ten Disney movie's list, because of its greatness (hence the name).

It seems only Disney has jumped on the bandwagon so far, but I am sure many will follow suit, depending on its popularity among the consumer world. Of course not even all the television networks have jumped on the TV bandwagon, so will I eventually be able to get all movies on iTunes? I hope so, but it could be a while.

I for one am all for this digital media age. Sure its a pain in the ass to hook my computer up to my television for proper viewing pleasure, but there are ways around that which I haven't really looked into as of yet. Not too mention the days of bookshelves full of DVDs and CDs are over. Which is a huge advantage for someone like myself who has a tendency to move every year or so.

I am aware that stuff like this has been available through 'illegal' torrent sites for a long time, but I've never been much of an advocate for these (plus you never know what you are gonna get). I am all about file sharing with your friends and whatnot, but for some reason the whole torrent thing is a turn off to me. Ive gotten a few things here and there from friends that were from torrent sites, and the quality hasnt been superb all the time. And of course there are other times where Ive gotten things from friends that I could never get anywhere else (like the complete Simpsons Series Seasons 1-17 - Thanks Nate).

So in conclusion there will be no more waiting for the next day for me to get new release albums, movies, or the TV shows I missed the night before. Because at midnight I can start downloading them from Itunes, plus I have TiVo. God Bless iAmerica.


Anonymous said...

So what happens when you're computer crashes?

Nick Shattell said...

I will either commit suicide...or I will have everything backed up in case that was to happen.

Choices, choices...

Anonymous said...

I think suicide is the better option.

I'll find a grenade
