Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Like Tango and Cash

This road trip marks the return of the Dickey and Sparky connection which has been absent for quite some time. So far the results have been tremendous and outrageous. Although I am sure all of you already know this thanks to Sparky's Blog, since he does a much better job of keeping it updated...

The day before I picked up Sparky I hung out at Miranda's place in Denver. It was a pretty chill night of drinking and Jamming with a bunch of her friends. By the end of the night it was her friend Tom and I chillin and playin phish songs together...It was a relaxing time.

The next day I made my way to the Denver International Airport to go find Sparky. I was happy to see the airport contained a Burger King so I indulged myself there and then waited...Soon enough Sparky came walking out of the gate with pubes all over his face and the stench of Monkey semen all over him...I could tell he was a dirty mexican...So the homoerotic friendship began almost immediately as we ventured out of the airport. We went back to Miranda's place where most of my stuff was, ordered a pizza, got ahold of Colin (Sparky's Friend) and headed to Fort Collins...Despite the name Fort Collins had no actual fortification, and it didnt even belong to Colin...So as you can tell I was quite pissed...almost as pissed as I got during our trip to Mt. Saint Helens which I will get to in future updating.

So we met up with Colin in the Parking Lot of a Wal-Mart and started our Fort Collins adventures which mostly involved watching Colin get hammered and laughing. And it also involved another chill night of shootin the shit and making music with friends. The thing I learned most from being in Colorado is that Colin is hilarious. Thats it...

More to come...

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