Monday, June 20, 2005

Federal Dickey Administration

So the FDA finally showed up today for the big inspection that everyone has been dreading for months and months, and I didnt even know about until I was asked at a company party during a trivia game. And my attitude remains pretty much the same. I have done a lot of work since then, preparing for their arrival, but am in no way intimidated by the fact that they are here, like most everyone else. For me, this inspection week is going to be a slight break. There wont be too much for me to least not at this moment. Rumor has it that the FDA can go ahead and ask us to execute studies immediately that would make some work for me...but time will tell.

On a different topic, I just got done playing my set at Downtown Manhattans, and it was alright. The funny part was that I forgot that I had given Corey the battery to my guitar last week, and didnt replace it. This resulted in the first two songs being played without any sound coming from my guitar over the PA. Hilarious.

I also noticed how annoying it must be for Corey and JP, and other musicians for that matter, to deal with fans. Everyone wants to be your friend if you are a "rock star" or any sort of star. Even if its a local thing. I mean, even I have noticed how people are so much more interested in myself since I started playing. And its very slight for me...I cant imagine what its like for Corey and them guys. Or even worse, for more famous people. It must suck diddly-uck...

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