Monday, December 05, 2005

The Shape Im In...

So I just got done playing an Open Mic Night at a Bar called the G street Pub. I played with my guitarist friend Mike and another friend Ryan on bass (Ryan normally plays drums). We didnt really rehearse any of what we were going to play, but mostly just stemmed our setlist from drunken jam sessions where we play some fun covers. And I have to say its probably the most fun I have had on stage ever.

The best part about that is that I think they felt the same way. Which means a lot to me, since they are really good musicians, and the fact that they feel so comfortable with me on stage is important. There were even hints of dropping the other singer in their band, and just focusing with me.

After playing we did a lot of talking about what to do, and basically we had so much fun playing covers for drunk people, it became obvious what to do. Basically you have two different types of Open Mic Nights....You have the bar ones...where no one really wants to hear you play your new original that you wrote that day. Instead they are all full of pitchers of beer and whatnot, and they really only want to hear some songs they know, and can sing along too, or atleast rock out to a little. For example, we opened up with "I will Survive" which was an immediate hit...but at the same time we played "Get off This" by Cracker, and people loved it...Whether or not they knew what it was, it didnt matter, because its a rockin song, its catchy, and its easy to pick up on if you do want to sing a long. Of course in these situations its ok to throw in an original or two if you want to. I mean it doesnt hurt...especially if you keep playing the same one or two every week, people may start to remember it. But the bottom line is, that at these bar scenes, you need to rock the house a little, or people dont really care.

Then you have the Coffee Shop/Bookstore Open Mic Nights...where people are just hanging out and come to see people perform, or hear some talented musicianship. This is a much better atmosphere for kickin out your originals and trying to get people to see if what you have to say in your songs is worth listening to...Because these audiences are going to listen, whether they know the song or not. Its always a good thing to catch everyones eye with an opening cover song, that really grabs their attention. Thats what I use "Yoshimi" for (thanks Dwight).

So basically tonight went really well. And it made me kindof branch off in two different, but important directions. One where I play fun covers, go up on stage with no expectations with my friends and just rock the place. If people enjoy what they hear, its only a matter of time before the bar notices and wants you to play more. Cover bands are a good place to start. Especially because once you get a crowd base, you can slowly sneak your originals in there, and before the audience knows it they are fans of your songs as well. Especially if you choose covers that are suiting to your style of writing. Like you cant cover Metallica and then after getting a fanbase, start playing your classical originals...That wouldnt really make sense. Of course I am using extremes, but you get the idea.

Besides that direction, I will still continue to write and work on my originals, and pitch them in the other setting...When people are listening. Eventually the two will hopefully meld together and I will have the perfect situation...and the perfect mix of my own songs, and fun covers.

Either way, its going to be a fun ride, especially because every time I play with my friends, it just re-inforces the idea of me fronting the band, because of how much we all enjoy playing together and the comfort we all feel together on stage.

So we will see what happens...


DwizzyRizzy said...


Nick Shattell said...

Dwight, this isnt Texas...thats not the answer to all lifes problems...

The Candid Guestbook is back up dude...

They are playing in Syracuse on the 23rd of December...

DwizzyRizzy said...

oh brother....i dont know if ill be able to make it...

im only getting back in albany on the 22nd....and i think i rather be in syracuse on the 26th...but we will see...maybe i cant get my one friend in greenville to come out for the night