Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Extended Stay Awake America

Well there is nothing left to do today except write. I can still spend my freetime and sleepless nights doing that I suppose.

My writing has slowed down a bit since the beginning of the band. I have been focusing a lot of my efforts on getting everything organized, self promotion, and of course practicing the electric guitar (rhythm and a little lead) because I have become so accustomed to playing by myself over all these years. It is a totally different style and if you are only used to one or the other, its quite difficult to seperate them at first. We all have been working hard. Ryan (the drummer) and I usually get together two days a week to work on songs, since the drum parts are the least written so far. Then we all get together on friday nights and sunday nights and throw everything together to see how it all works out. And of course there is an occasional drunken jam session in there. So it eats up a lot of time.

Neil is heading back to Iraq tomorrow. As much as I dont worry about him because he has such a level head and I know he is the man, it does suck. He was finally back in the states and within hanging out distance at least once a month or two, and now he is heading back overseas. Sure he does get to be with his wife, Laura, who is one of the coolest people ever...but we need some Neil over here as well...Haha. In thirteen months they will both be back in the states and then all hell will break loose. I am posting this hilarious picture of Neil as a reminder of the great times to come.

I am also heading back to Syracuse in a month. I am meeting Sparky back there for a short road trip as he moves to Texas to live with Dwight and work for a while (although at this point I am not 100% sure what Sparky's plans are). I will be in Syracuse for roughly six days starting on the 21st of February and I fly back here on the 5th of March. So I wont be gone too long, but long enough to where I will definitely need to get back and keep the band going. I am looking forward to spending some high quality time with two of my best friends...Sparky and myself (just kidding Dwight).

My sister is getting married in October so there is that. My older brother Tony is expecting his third child so there is that...I mean there is news all over the place. I just dont think about it that often unless someone asks. I dont know why...thats just the way it is.

Things are going great - for everyone - its awesome. Everyone is reaching this decision making point in their lives and everyone I can think of seems to be following through pretty nicely on their decisions and overall goals. Its great to see your friends and people around you succeed. And I am not talking monetarily...cause contrary to popular belief that is not the only form of success...Don't get me wrong I know a lot of people that are doing just that, and as long as there is a smile on their face during, thats the success Im talking about.

On that note...I leave you with this obviously divine photograph which was not doctored in any way.
Picture was actually quite manipulated using technology.

Monday, January 23, 2006

I Chased a Dream Down the Drain

My goal as far as musically had always been to someday create something of my own that I thought was some sort of solid musical entity. Like an album that I could look back on and enjoy and think to myself how it was something that I created, and something I loved doing. Not only have I taken huge steps in that direction over the past three months, but I have also found new horizons to shoot for on the way.

Considering I have written around 20 songs since November 4th, 2005, and around 10 of them are ones that I love and would play all the time - that is not only something I am proud of - but it easily gives me enough to accomplish said goal above. Its weird because I never thought I would be so productive, and never thought I would be able to consider myself a songwriter or musician in any level. I figured I would be singing Wilco covers to myself til my tired old days in a rest home shitting my pants and eating oatmeal three meals a day.

So not only have I been a hundred times more productive then I ever dreamed I would be, I have also found new enjoyment in the process, and have rekindled my passion for music that was somewhat lost during my days as a cubicle junky.

Last night I played with my new band for the first time on stage, and it really hit home that things were moving along. Especially because we played pretty tightly given our lack of serious rehearsal. Its quite an honor to be part of something like that, not only to be accepted as a frontman for a group of tightly knit friends, but for them to enjoy your style of music, and want to play it. I mean our direct influences arent that far off, and if you were to hear one of Mike's songs you might think its one of mine, and vise versa, so that helps...but still, it makes me feel great and a hell of a lot more confident in myself.

And of course on stage I feel really comfortable. Not only do I have three guys who can cover my ass if I miss a chord or note, but because they are so laid back and we all get a long so well, each performance is really no different then when we are drinking a couple beers and jamming on a few drunken covers. Its just fun. And thats what I am totally learning about it all...is how much I really do love it. Its beyond fun...I cant see it ever getting less fun. And that is why I am so strongly pursuing it at this point. Why wouldnt I?

I guess in the end, its a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that I am achieving more then I ever imagined I could in this area of life...and the bad thing is that the more that happens, the more and more difficult my goals are to reach. Sure its not a bad thing to shoot for the moon, but sometimes it can lead to disappointment. Is that going to stop me? Never. For once in my life, I can say I at least tried my best if nothing happens. Which is something I think so few people can say when it comes to chasing their dreams.

By the way, if you enjoy the pictures, there are many more posted on our myspace page.


Thursday, January 19, 2006

The West Coast Music Scene

Not having a job is turning out to be a lot of work, or perhaps it is just the whole concept of pursuing my dream that is requiring all this stress. I suppose I have never really focused all my energies on something as much as I am doing at this point in my life.

Tonight really kick starts everything off, from here on out its only going to get more time consuming. I am playing an acoustic set tonight with T-stone (the lead guitarist) and basically it is our first show as a 'band', and under our new band name. We also have plans to play at an open mic night on sunday for the first time as a full band setup, complete with drums and all. So its beginning.

We even have an audition on February 11th to play at 'Picnic Day' at UC Davis. It will only be a 20 minute set if we can get in, but it should be a good time, and a good opportunity for us to check out the local music scene and promote ourselves. We have plans to have a demo recorded by the first week of february and then the legwork really begins, as I plan on driving around Northern California in an attempt to get us as many gigs as possible. My plan is to branch us out as much as possible, and given my location it is quite optimal. With both Sacramento, and San Francisco within an hour, many college towns in between like Berkeley and Davis, and LA only a days trip south, branching out shouldnt be a problem.

It is hard not to get my hopes up, but as long as I understand the amount of work that will be involved I can keep a level head. The first year or so might suck...We are going to have to start off playing shitty opening gigs and may even end up in front of metal heads at times - of course if that happens, someone's booking agent should be fired. Not too mention it will take quite some time to even start getting gigs, especially with the numerous people that are musicians in this area, one of the downsides of this location.

Basically, alls I really need to do is keep doing what I am doing...Writing and practicing by myself and with the band, then simply add in the 'playing manager' role and things will happen if I work hard enough. Sure it will become more and more time consuming and I will have less and less time to do anything else, but that only means I am making progress. Luckily for me I have the best group of friends and supporters who always keep encouraging me and help me maintain my sanity. I can become quite frantic about this whole thing. Thanks for all your support everyone - you know who you all are. Your words of encouragement keep me from losing my mind.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


This is a fantastic show. I highly recommend watching it if you dont already. Watch it from the beginning and don't read my review of it located on My Review blog...

Seriously watch it...

And for those of you who do watch it...read my review and shoot me some of your thoughts...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What Will the New Year Bring?

Well I am back from my brief holiday stint in New York visiting family and friends, that wasnt that brief at all. 16 days at home, most of them spent entertaining myself in the wonderful eventless world of Syracuse, NY.

I played a few shows and the setlists can be found by clicking the link to the right that says 'My Setlists'. This is another new blog I started to keep track of what I am playing and when, and other anecdotes from 'the road'. Check it out.

Other then that, it was good to be home, visiting that is. Visiting and that is all. It was being home that made me realize how glad I am to have gotten out of there, and out of the rut I had been stuck in there. By the time I had left there I was tired of playing music and wasnt really enthusiastic about much. Being out here, and being in the position where I can focus my energies on myself, I have re-kindled my passion for the whole music scene, and now wish I was playing a lot more. The days I am not onstage are the ones where I grow restless. I wish I could fast forward time and be at a point where I am playing shows on a regular basis, and even more so with my band.

I am extremely excited about what this year is going to bring. Sparky is coming back to the states, Neil will be out of the army by the end of this year, and I am starting serious work on my band and music. I have huge goals for myself and for the music, but there is a shitload of work that needs to be done in the meantime. More work then I have ever done on any job in my life...but for once I am into the work.

First things first I need to get a demo...acoustic and with the band...

Heres to 2006!!!!