Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Holiday Season

Tomorrow night I am boarding a plane which will eventually take me to San Jose, Costa Rica. It is there that I will look for a man named Fernando holding a sign that will signify I should go with him. Despite the fact that he doesnt speak any English, Kathy and I will be spending three hours or so in a truck with him on our way to Rancho Mastatal, which is where we will be spending our holidays.

Sparky is already there, and will be for about a month longer then us as well, so he will be awaiting our arrival. After Christmas, I believe we are heading to some nearby beach to hang out and do odd things, most of which I hope involve hammocks.

I have to say I am not looking forward to the actual act of travelling this time around. The nine hours on a plane is going to make me wish the feeling 'uncomfortable' was never invented. Followed by three hours of a bumpy truck drive...woohoo...Merry Fuckin' Christmas to me.

But once I actually get to the ranch it is going to be one hell of a great time. Although I don't know what to expect, my unknown expectations are in the high category. Anyone who has talked to Sparky in the last year, I'm sure you've heard all about it and understand.

I am looking forward to getting away from it all. I'm looking forward to relaxing, and freeing my mind of everything. No cell phone, no computer, no studio, no work - just me, a notebook for jotting thoughts, a headlamp to avoid snakes at night, a couple t-shirts, and a frisbee. I'm sure it will all go by much too fast.

2007 is on the way, and there is much to be done, so this will be my last vacation for a long time.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Lifeless Life Of Me

In spite of my last post, I have decided to start ANOTHER blog in which I will be documenting my journey through the Great Simpsons Re-watch. And I will be watching Season 1.
Which is bad for me, but good for you readers because you will get to hear me gripe about it's suckiness.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Great Simpsons Watch of 2007

In honor of the monumentus release of 'the Simpsons' feature film this summer, I have begun the great Simpsons re-watch in which I will watch all the current existing Simpsons episodes in chronological order - minus Season 1.

Those of you nerds out there will simply declare it is blasphemous that I make this claim without watching Season 1. While Season 1 did provide us with the word 'KWYJIBO' (a big, dumb, balding ape with no chin), Santa's Little Helper, and the beginning of the Sideshow Bob saga, it simply isnt worth it to have to witness Marge's failed attempt at a love-affair with Jacques (the worst Simpson's character ever made), or the Lisa heavy episode in which we are introduced to 'Bleeding Gum's' Murphy.

Season 2 is arguably skippable as well. It starts off pretty slow with episodes like 'Bart Gets An F' and 'Simpson and Delilah'. Even the debut of the Treehouse of Horrors was a major disappointment even if it does pay tribute to the late Edgar Allan Poe. However, Season 2 does pick up a lot of steam and brings us a lot of classics like 'Bart Gets Hit By A Car', and 'Principal Charming'. Not too mention we find out Homer has a long lost brother, we witness the near death of Homer, and Bart even spends a brief stint as Mr. Burns' heir. It also contains cameo's from stars such as Ringo Starr, Dustin Hoffman, and Danny Devito. So really Season 2 is a great place to start, especially when you get to watch the NON-syndicated versions available on DVD Today!!!

Of course I will not get to watch all the episodes without running into syndication problems, because once I get past season 8 or 9, I will have to resort to the illegally downloaded episodes I have on my computer that were given to me by a friend (Thanks Nate).

And I know it would appear this will be the end of my life as I know it, but I do plan on pacing myself. I don't intend on watching all 18 seasons in the next month or two. I just intend to always have a disc in the DVD player so when the time comes, I can just watch another episode in the greatest saga ever told. I look forward to re-living every moment that I have been quoting and basing my entire life philosophy on for years.

**In Other Simpsons Related News:**

In tonight's episode, entitled 'Kill Gil, Volumes I and II', the intro was re-animated for (I believe) the first time in Simpson's history. I know the chalkboard and couch gag are 'always' different, but this time the entire thing was redone with a christmas theme, including Bart being on a snowboard instead of a Skateboard. The only time the intro has ever been completely redone was the one time they used real people (made in the UK of course). It was quite the day in Simpson's history as Gil finally got a shot as a central character, Smither's faced a little competition, and Poochie made another cameo in Krusty's Kristmas Ice Show as 'Matrix Poochie'.

I was moved.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Roll Me On To New Madrid

I have been thinking about the New Year approaching, which is odd, since its not something I ever contemplate. But this year is different.

So much has happened in the span of 2006, its weird to be starting a new chapter, and that is exactly what I am doing. I have learned so much about myself, about self-expression and taken leaps and bounds in the right direction, and other leaps and bounds in the wrong direction. I believe I have come out on top so far, and no matter what I certainly got something out of all the good and all the bad.

Literally my life is being filed under the 2006 tab on the right hand side of this blog. For most of you, my life consists of what you read here, or find on my numerous other blogs and whatnot on this world wide web of information. To me this is a sign. At least its a representation of how I feel at this point.

I've gone from having nowhere but a couple open mics to having a couple (while low key) regular gigs to atleast keep my desire to play live in check. I've expanded my library significantly in the one year I have been writing songs, and I've even begun making a record of this library with one demo EP already complete, and a full length album on the way (which I am extremely excited about). And most importantly I have established a solid relationship with a couple great new friends and musicians...most notably Mike (obviously).

So what will 2007 bring? Hopefully a lot. I hate to be repetitive, but you know how I feel about predictions. I have a lot of things I want to do, and a lot of things I should do...but most importantly a lot of things I will do, and ultimately, those will be what makes the year what it is.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Perceptive Receptors

I have nothing to write about anymore.

Its weird because I used to be running to the computer, or scrambling to find a pen so I could jot down more and more ideas...and now I've got nothing, and sometimes I strain my brain to think of new things to say.

I think it has a lot to do with the plateau I have reached in my discovering of new art. I havent really been diving into new albums day after day, instead I have just been absorbing my favorites over and over again. I have learned most everything I can learn from them.

See for me, ideas are usually sparked by something that catches my ear/eye in an existing piece of work, and the thought process that begins in my head afterwards. And for situations like that is always good to surround yourself with the rantings of as many different lunatics as you can, to optimize your own interpretations, and to harvest new ideas for yourself. This is lacking in my life right now.

Of course I have taken steps to change it.

For instance, Meghann and I recently started a blog project called 'Smitheringtonville' (see the link to the right), and that has opened up a whole world of abstract thinking and wordplay I have yet to discover. I can learn a lot from other peoples use of words, and even discover a lot of new ones, because the biggest word I know is 'biggest'. Not too mention it is really fun.

George has also helped me out by getting his hands on over fifty new albums at a flea market (by new I mean, we don't have them yet). You see, George and I have a collaborative music collection that grows in vast amounts sometimes, and with all these great finds he has picked up, I will have a lot of new stuff to forcefeed my brain.

I am in a lull. Its too be expected for sure, but this year has just been so productive for me creatively it feels weird to stop for a bit and think things over.

I will be in the rainforest soon. No that is not a metaphor.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Top Of Your Head Is Blinding Me

Tomorrow morning I am waking up, loading my guitar into my car, taking the non-scenic drive to Sacramento, CA and heading back into the studio to continue working on my upcoming album of songs to be released at a later date. Then after being there in front of a microphone and dripping man sweat on a hardwood floor for a bit, I am going to re-enter my car and drive to the Sacramento Airport to pick up my best friend Sparky.

It is there that I will find him with pubes on his face and who knows how much baggage (emotional and physical) - I'm guessing close to zero in both categories - and we will once again return to my vehicle for a short drive back to the studio.

Who knows what sort of awe inspiring thing will happen the next few days, but the arrival of Sparky to California, albeit brief, is a milestone in the making. Surely it is the beginning of something great. Much greater then Nintendo Wii, or even Low Sodium Saltines (which until recently I thought were manufactured using Wizardry).

So there you have it.

Friday, December 08, 2006


Is Nintendo Wii the greatest gaming system ever created?

Up to this point in the history of time and video game consoles, I would have to argue, absolutely.

For starters it has motion sensitive controls, which means it makes games more interesting to play for us people who aren't that big into the whole video game scene. Instead we can all get together and go bowling, or box each other, without ever leaving the house. Think of the drunken possibilites. This has definitely opened up the video game demographic and, depending on what kindof games they plan on making, could unite the world of video games with the world of family fun. Not too mention there is a semblance of physical activity during playing.

At the same time, you can purchase a 'Classic Controller' made specifically for the Wii (or a Gamecube controller will work just as well) in order to play many classic games which are available to download right from the main menu of the Wii. Of course it costs a little money (around 10 bucks for N64 games) but the game can then be accessed at any time. The releases are minimal now, but obviously there will be more to come.

Next you have the Wii channels, which supply weather, news, and eventually even internet browsing. None of these channels are operational yet, but its only a matter of time before everything you need is right on your television screen.

Of course there are downsides. For instance, its a new system, so the games are still not that great, and most overuse the motion controller aspect like an excited kid who eats too much candy just because he can. But this will eventually work itself out...I mean remember when Crazy Taxi was one of the only PS2 games? And with the personalized Mii's hopefully making more appearances in Wii games, there is potentially a lot of greatness in the Wii's future.

The only other downside would be the SD cards used to store games, and memory. The SD cards are small, and expensive for not a whole lot of memory.

But overall, if everything goes well, Nintendo Wii will be the greatest video game console ever created, until someone steals all the innovative things they've thought of and creates something even better.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Probably the most important part of going home, besides the wedding and whatnot, was catching up with my old pal George.

After discovering we couldnt really live with each other about 2 years ago, we sort of grew apart a little, but he still remained on my list of people to stay in touch with, and I on his. Sure our motives were alterior at first because we both love to steal each others music, but in the end we managed to become great friends again.

My point is, I spent a lot of time chillin with George while I was home. I wasnt able to enough because of his nightly work schedule at the happiest place on earth...Hell. But we still managed to have quite a few drinks together, a couple late night trips to Denny's and even a viewing of the new Jeff Tweedy DVD that came out while I was home.

In conclusion, hanging out with George was one of the highlights of my trip home. We had a lot of good discussions, and he does a pretty good job of providing insight into my own head when I need it. Even if insight is overrated...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Via Chicago...

The last couple weeks were cold, relaxing, boring, and sometimes even drinking. Im not sure if drinking is a feeling, but Im making it one.

I made it home for my sisters wedding, and immediately the festivities started for that with the rehearsal dinner that night. Everyone was soaked from the terrential downpours that plagued the land of precipitation more commonly known as Syracuse, NY. It rained from the time I got off the plane, to the time I got back on another plane around two weeks later.

The wedding was nice and the reception was a lot of fun. It was good to see everyone, get together, have a few beers, and catch up on everything. It was an hors d'oeuvre wedding instead of a dinner, which worked out nicely, because it was much more social that way. People were walking around to different food tables and there was no sit down dinner that allows everyone to get into a lull at their own specific spots. A great time was had by all.

After that there were some boring moments during the day time, and very little sleep happening. I got to witness Jobi-Wan Kenobi and Rywalker fight the Clone Wars, and I got to get caught up on 'Desperate Housewives' with Rose.

Then Sparky and Dwight showed up that last weekend for a Candid show and a Halloween Party at Kevin and Michelles. It was a great weekend, and I got to meet the infamous Timo and Robin who were both hilarious. Madison and I also got to torture the crap out of Dwight...

I dont know what else to tell you, I just felt like updating cause its been awhile.

Im off to Texas in about 9 days for the Return of Neil from Iraq and Thanksgiving Festivities.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Fundamental Flaw of LOST...

Of course I love this show, it is very well written and it keeps me glued to my seat during each episode, and most of all, it keeps me looking forward to the next installment. But despite all this, there is one huge flaw that recently struck me while watching the beginning of Season 3.

Lets say, for instance, you are on Oceanic Flight 815 out of Sydney, Australia with a bunch of strangers, and the next thing you know you are a survivor of a horrible plane crash on what appears to be a deserted island. Within the first day, you can come to a safe conclusion that there is some sort of giant monster on this island, and it often scares the shit out of everyone when its heard late at night. To top things off, it slowly becomes more and more apparent that no one is looking for your plane anymore, and even if they were, they wouldnt know where to look.

Its about this time that everyone makes like Lord of the Flies meets Swiss Family Robinson, and the thought of getting rescued is replaced with the thought of settling in on your new beach community eating fish caught by the asian guy, and vegetables grown by his wife (its a good thing they were on the plane). Of course things look up for you when all of a sudden food starts falling from the sky in the form of Macaroni and Cheese and other non-perishable goodness.

Then things start to get weird, as you start to find out that there are other people on this island of yours. Not only that but they are smart, and it would appear they have been there for a long time. Sure they apparently like to steal children, but who knows what for, maybe they are Republican.

Then one day, you get tricked into being a kidnapping victim before you even know what hits you. You wake up in an underwater aquarium, or a polar bear's former cage. And you think to yourself, how can this get any worse?

But why? Why can't these people ever think about the up-side of things. Lets look at this whole situation from Kate's point of view. You spend your life running from the law, and avoiding being yourself...then one day you get dropped on an island paradise. No more running. But yeah I'd get sick of eating dried fish and cold cereal everyday too...until one day I get 'kidnapped' and someone is offering me a delicious eggs and bacon breakfast on the beach outside of their island villa. So if I was Kate, I'd obviousy get more mad right? Wrong. Who wouldnt throw down their arms at this point and immediately embrace 'Fake Henry Gale' as your new best friend.

Oh thats right, you cant betray your old 'friends'. You know, the ones you met about 2 months before. You know all those people who you have not been honest with at all, and neither have they been to you. Just because you want some hot man love from Sawyer and Jack, doesnt make you a bad person for wanting to join Gilligan's Island society.

Sure someday you might end up like Julliette and cry listening to 'Downtown', but I say its worth it for the bacon and eggs.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Nothing's Changed All Over Again

What to say, what to say?

Its been a pretty monumental week. Ok, so maybe monumental wouldn't be the way you would describe your week, but it has been an important one for all of us.

First of all, 'Lost' season 3 started two days ago. And let me tell you it was well worth the wait. I can't go into details, as there are readers of this blog who are still catching up, but I can atleast say that within the first 2 minutes of the episode I was shitting myself as a reminder of how great this show truly is. If you haven't seen it, it is well worth the purchase of Season 1 and Season 2 to get caught up.

And speaking of TV shows, 'South Park' opened up with a bang. That show gets better and better, and I know its been a long time since they started stepping away from using mostly shock humor, but I am just beginning to realize it and have been watching a lot of 'South Park' to get caught up. They have a lot of clever episodes that I haven't seen, and I feel all the better for catching a few here and there.

And of course there is 'the Office', which is proving to be the funniest show on the air once again, especially now that 'Arrested Development' was cancelled and that 'Scrubs' hasnt started yet. Oh wait, I forgot 'Family Guy'...Oh wait, that is the second worse show ever made (the first being 'American Dad').

Seth Macfarlane is less funny then my onstage banter.

Speaking of me being on stage, I just got back from playing my first show in San Francisco at a place called the Red Victorian. It was a lot of fun, despite the late notice, my unpreparedness, and the small crowd. I am still working on the nerves when playing alone. I got so used to playing with Mike this last year, I feel a lot more naked up there by myself, and there is no one to cover my ass when I screw up. But I have a lot of shows coming up, so that will hopefully change, cause most of them will be just me. Despite all that, I love playing more then ever, and get really antsy to play if I have to wait even a week to play again. Which is good motivation and will force me to stop talking about it and start hitting up open mics this winter and whatnot.

Even the little bit I have put myself out there has turned out to be a blast, and I've already met a lot of cool musicians, and people in general. I look forward to what this city has to offer.

What does it say about my own self-confidence that I posted about TV before my first ever show in San Francisco? I love TV.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I.E. My Last Post...

Here I go again, rambling on and on about Jeff Tweedy...or moreso the effect he has had on me.

Tweedy is really the first songwriter I have studied extensively. Researching the type of chord progressions he uses, examining his wordplay, song structure, and other tricks he uses. He was also a major reason I started using alternate bass-notes in my own playing. Of course its a standard practice for pretty much any and all guitar players (especially in folk), but I first started to look at it under the microscope thanks to Tweedy (and my good pal Mike).

Everyone knows I got into music about 6 years ago and picked up my first guitar thanks to Trey Anastasio the former frontman of Phish, and now the current frontman of many crappy bands. But I never really studied him for the sake of learning techniques and getting insite into creating music/songs. Sure I learned a lot of Phish covers, especially the easy ones, but that was more for the sake of learning songs for the thrill of being able to play a song or two.

And of course, those who know me and when I started writing songs almost a year ago, know that Jeff Tweedy was (and is) my favorite songwriter and it only makes sense that it would lead to me studying him. Obviously I have branched out and listened to a buttload of music since then, and studied almost every technique I found interesting to the ears. Some have worked, some have not, some I'm still studying, some I haven't even discovered yet, and some I've even happened upon by accident.

So blah blah blah, I am just rambling.

"If you feel like singin a song
And you want other people to sing along
Just sing what you feel
Dont let anyone say its wrong" - Jeff Tweedy (What Light)

Monday, September 25, 2006

I Started Growin' Jeff Tweedy's Beard...

So I wanna be Jeff Tweedy? Whats it to you?

Ok so I dont want to be Jeff Tweedy. If anything, this last year has done nothing but make me realize how comfortable I am in my own skin. The whole songwriting experience has taught me nothing other then to be yourself, and that as long as I am expressing myself, the end product will be more fun to play, and more exciting in general. Blah blah blah, I love me.

But I was recently asked an interesting question by a fellow local songwriter which was phrased something like this; 'Whose career would you most like to model yours after?'. Or something along those lines. It didnt take me much thought to determine that I would most like to be in Jeff Tweedy's shoes from a songwriting standpoint.

Here is someone who has unlimited capabilites as far as making records. He records, and performs with several bands, including the obvious Wilco, and the lesser known such as Golden Smog and Loose Fur. At the same time he can also tour by himself and fill small stadiums with people who just want to watch him do his thing with an acoustic guitar and that wonderful folk voice of his I have grown to love. What musician wouldnt want to be in his shoes?

So yeah I suppose everyone could say they wanna be like Jeff Tweedy, much like I am saying now. He has worked endlessly on perfecting his art and in my opinion is one of the greatest the world has ever seen. He is living his dream...He has embraced himself much better then most people, and everyone has responded in such a positive way. So yes, I definitely want to be like Jeff Tweedy, and I like to think I am off to a good start, and at the same time I know there is a lot more to work to be done.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Pete Was Almost Right

I recently watched Dane Cook's HBO special 'Vicious Circle'. I honestly wasnt that impressed with his humor. Don't get me wrong, some of his jokes were great, and I definitely laughed a couple times. He was very animated as well which, I thought, was the funniest part. Watching him imitate a female masturbating makes the whole special worth watching.

Some of his stories I thought dragged on, sometimes leading to other funny side jokes, and other times leading to unfunny slow moments. Of course you can't always hit homeruns.

One thing I admire about Dane Cook is his ability to blow up to the scale he has. There aren't a lot of comedians out there that can fill a stadium of that size, stand in the middle, and do their routine leaving everyone satisfied. You have to admire his obvious effort towards perfecting his own art, and for all that hard work paying off.

So in conclusion, I'm gonna give this one to Pete, cause he was listening to Dane Cook before everyone I know. He was the one trying to convince me that he was funny. Granted he isnt the funniest out there (in my opinion), but he is good at what he does. I've never been one for comedy CDs, so I can't help him out that way, but I would watch another special if it took place. Watching him stomp around the stage is all it takes for me to crack up.

For those of you keeping score thats Pete 1, Nick 563.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Dick-scover-ey Channel Part III

Grey's Anatomy - If 'Scrubs' and 'ER' were bored in the off season, they would screw and have a baby. The end result would be Grey's Anatomy. And even if this was how the show was formed, rather then just pure plagiarism (the same way most popular shows are created i.e. Family Guy), it would still suck, even though I've never even seen it.

Sugar Ray Leonard Minus Ray Leonard - I've redeveloped my sweettooth ever since giving up fast food and soda. It makes sense due to the lack of refined sugars in my diet, if that even is such a thing. I've had cravings for ice cream, and splurge on candy purchases every now and then. My body is compensating for the lack of deliciousness, and unhealthiness. Its causing me to revert to the good ole days when my lunches consisted of a box of ho-ho's and a jar of pickles. Everyone loved sitting with me at the lunch table, cause I always had a spare twix bar considering I would just stuff the whole box into my little brown bag. I wish I was eating a triple classic wrapped in donut glaze right now.

Wifeswap - Ok I admit, I've been hooked on this one for awhile, but after this weeks two hour season premiere I almost laughed the shit out of my butt. One of the husbands said 'Women are like Puppy Dogs, you reward them with a treat when they do something right, and then you're alright' - and that wasnt even on the episode with the family of Pirates. And no that is not a typo. There was a family that lived by the code of Pirattitude, and even invented 'Talk like a Pirate Day', which was September 19th. This is the stuff you are all missing by skipping this gem of a reality show.

Monday, September 18, 2006

New Blog...Surprise Surprise.

I swear this one wasn't even my idea, but it is a great idea, and I will be a regular contributor.

Click the link for 'Time Travel' to the right. Its a new blog Sparky and I have started for the obvious topic of Time Travel.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


iTunes has finally made its way into the Movie business. Obviously we all saw it coming, and personally I've been awaiting it.

Personally I am no DVD buying buff, and its very rare that I actually do buy a movie. TV shows are another story. I buy lots of those, so I was thrilled when I could just make a couple clicks and get my hands on the Office, Scrubs, and Lost, three of my favorite currently running television shows. And now I can do the same with Movies.

Of course, it will be awhile before the available library opens up, but I was doing a little browsing today, and even found 'The Great Mouse Detective' - which is (as some may recall) on my top ten Disney movie's list, because of its greatness (hence the name).

It seems only Disney has jumped on the bandwagon so far, but I am sure many will follow suit, depending on its popularity among the consumer world. Of course not even all the television networks have jumped on the TV bandwagon, so will I eventually be able to get all movies on iTunes? I hope so, but it could be a while.

I for one am all for this digital media age. Sure its a pain in the ass to hook my computer up to my television for proper viewing pleasure, but there are ways around that which I haven't really looked into as of yet. Not too mention the days of bookshelves full of DVDs and CDs are over. Which is a huge advantage for someone like myself who has a tendency to move every year or so.

I am aware that stuff like this has been available through 'illegal' torrent sites for a long time, but I've never been much of an advocate for these (plus you never know what you are gonna get). I am all about file sharing with your friends and whatnot, but for some reason the whole torrent thing is a turn off to me. Ive gotten a few things here and there from friends that were from torrent sites, and the quality hasnt been superb all the time. And of course there are other times where Ive gotten things from friends that I could never get anywhere else (like the complete Simpsons Series Seasons 1-17 - Thanks Nate).

So in conclusion there will be no more waiting for the next day for me to get new release albums, movies, or the TV shows I missed the night before. Because at midnight I can start downloading them from Itunes, plus I have TiVo. God Bless iAmerica.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Some Good News About Star Wars

Tomorrow they are releasing the original three Star Wars movies (episodes IV, V, and VI) in a limited edition two disc DVD collection that will fortunately contain the original cuts. This is such great news for us real Star Wars fans.

It turns out I will be able to watch this trilogy I so love without having to see Greedo shoot first, or the cartoon alien dance seen. I can finally watch Luke blossom from a power converter nerd, to a Jedi Master, without having to worry about seeing Hayden Christiansen in the final moments. I mean sure the Death Star explosion wont be as eventful, but at least I don't have to see Han Solo walk over Jabba's tail...

Finally I can go on with my life ignoring the existence of episodes I, II, and III, which were quite possibly the worst three movies ever made. Its a good thing they don't exist.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Dick-scover-ey Channel Part II

Nose Hairs - Pulling out a nose hair is a lot like getting hit in the face with a Basketball. It makes your eyes water and your whole general face region tingle with unpleasant numbness. Why am I figuring this out already? I don't know, but it sucks. I thought I could get away with combing the long stragglers into my mustache, but apparently not. They just dont blend well together. I cant wait til my ear hairs start to impair my hearing. Being a werewolf isnt all fun and games people.

Spices - Following the example of my cooking, thrifty friend Sparky, I have started using various spices while cooking regular meals (since I gave up fast food). Im not using anything fancy, just the regular stuff, like salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic, etc. etc. and it really comes in handy. Before when I would cook chicken or something of the sort, I would use a bottle of marinade or so, which is much less healthy and far more expensive then my current method. With a pinch of this and a pinch of that I can get better flavoring then with that entire three dollar bottle of marinade. Plus you can even get pre-mixed seasonings like mesquite, or lemon pepper. Not too mention it can turn a regular meal of pasta into a delicious burst of flavor.

California Hockey - It turns out there is more ice here then just in people's drinks. And I skate on it at least once a week, and am living proof that hockey is better in the 315. Represent!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

NEW! Action Dickey with Kung-Fu Grip!

Its nice to be active again, and to have a busy schedule. I am working two jobs (Genentech and Target), hitting the gym on a daily basis, and even playing hockey again at least two days a week. I feel a hundred percent healthier and even more comfortable in my own skin then ever before.

Sure working does suck. Validation is pretty easy, for the most part, and the money is good. But the money is already spent as well, thanks to my third - non-paying - job as an aspiring musician. Which is also picking up as well. Ive got a seven track demo on the way in the next week or two at the most. Its a good representation of our current live sound, by which I mean its just me and Mike and our guitars. It will certainly serve its purpose.

The few fans that we have have also really stepped up and really supported us in this starting process. Our friends at the Mocha House are doing everything they can to get people to come to our shows, and people are being really supportive. You can even find a video of us posted on Youtube, thanks to one of our fans. I am really appreciative of everyone's support, and it definitely makes all the hard work worthwhile.

Despite my busy schedule I do continue to work hard on the music, and I have big plans for our first full length album which I hope to start recording as soon as possible. I am definitely excited to get those ideas into something soluble and I hope it will really put me on the serious side of being considered a songwriter. But we will see what happens. You know how I feel about predictions.

Anyways, I dont really have anything interesting to post about. But I am listening to 'Idlewild' right now, so I'm cool.

Friday, August 18, 2006

I Just Have to Say One Thing.

'I've had it with these motherfuckin snakes on this motherfuckin plane!!!'

Snakes on a Plane was all that and so much more. I don't want to ruin anything for all those people who can't resist spoilers. But it is by far the greatest movie ever made. Go see it now, MOTHERFUCKER!!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Dick-scover-ey Channel

Pandora Internet Radio - Ok so I didnt exactly discover this, it was, and has been being pointed out to me by a couple friends for a month or so now. But it wasnt til today that I decided to discover it for myself. I have only been playing around with it for about an hour and I already love it. It comes in extra handy for me especially these days because I am constantly looking for new music. And at the same time I am re-hashing a lot of my old favorites to catch things I might have missed. This radio site helps me with both. Its a great site for music lovers of all shapes and sizes, even triangle (

Vanilla Frosty's - So Wendy's has done it. They've decided to stop their segregation of all things white and make Vanilla Frosty's. The fact that they made it this far with only a chocolate frosty is amazing and shows the true greatness of the frosty itself. But in the last year alone we have seen the introduction of the Fix 'N Mix Frosty, and the Vanilla Flavor. Who knows what kindof heights the frosty will reach by the end of this decade. If only they realized that a spoon used to eat a frosty is just a regular spoon, not a fpoon. Thats like saying each time I eat cereal I use a cerpooneal. Its really holding back frosty production.

Genentech - This company makes Bristol Myers look like a Mom -N- Pop Pharmacy. It has a better public transportation system then Syracuse, and more people working there then George and McMahon have slept with combined. And to top it all off, they were rated the best company to work for in the country and do things like give all their official employees free nano ipods, and Bose speaker systems for said ipods. I mean sure I'll never see one, cause I am a contractor, but I make up for it by making way more money then most regular employees. Suckers. What do they have that I don't? Job security? Who needs it?

Monday, August 07, 2006


I decided to delete 'My Reviews' Blog since not only does nobody ever read it, but I never really update it. However, in light of the fact that I am deleting it, I decided to post my 'Superman Returns' review right here, because I think it is funny.

Superman Returns:

Well for starters, I never expected much considering all the other Superman movies were incredibly cheesy and nothing short of ridiculous. And this one is certainly no exception. The acting starts off incredibly rocky and the ridiculous situations immediately present themselves. Luckily for Lois Lane and the rest of metropolis, catastrophies and whatnot have managed to hold off five years until the exact day Superman returns. Phew! (**Consequently the same day Clark Kent returns**)

Then there is the savior references. Jesus Christ! Literally. I mean we all know superman is there to give us hope and blah blah blah, fight for truth, justice and the american way, but the scene where Superman goes up to the 'heavens' and listens to everyones cries for help, and then chooses what he feels are the most important ones, almost made me lose my popcorn. And I havent even had popcorn since I saw 'Nacho Libre' a week and a half ago.

I could go on and on about this movie and how much it sucked. How come in Superman I, Luther can put a chain around Superman's neck with a piece of Kryptonite on it and he can barely stand, but in Superman returns, he can throw an entire island made of kryptonite into space, while a shard of Kryptonite is lodged in his back? Explain that one to me. Of course that takes us back to the savior reference cause he found the strength to sacrifice himself for us, which is why he began falling to the earth in the form of a somewhat familiar religious icon...the crucifix.

And the love story? Let me put it to you this way...It was as if George Lucas teamed up with those two idiots that wrote the Matrix and then they all teamed up with C.S. Lewis and they came up with this movie. And then Peter Jackson directed the last half hour. I half expected Samwise to come running in the hospital room to embrace Superman and express his asexual hobbit love.

One good thing about the movie. The effects were cool at times. I didnt feel like I was watching a video game during a lot of the flying and action. I expected most of those scenes to resemble the matrix scenes where Neo turns into the Neo from the Matrix official video game.

Either way, I had to see this movie, cause its Superman. I had to sit through the whole thing, cause its Superman. But not even Kevin Spacey and Parker Posey can save the movie, and everyone else's horrible performances just overshadow their horrible performances. Basically I only learned two things from this movie. No amount of protected sex can stop Superman's sperm, and Spiderman III is going to be awesome (it appears they did it right).

Oh and what was up with the Gotham City reference? I mean I know its all DC comics, but they can't do that. And if they do, they should have at least had Batman show up with the Batwing while Luther was kicking Supermans ass. Then Batman should have emerged and said one sentence "You guys mind telling me what you're doing to my blue tight wearing friend", and then proceded to kick everyone's ass cause Kryptonite ain't got nothing on him.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Ballad of Dickey Jobby...

I went to see 'Talladega Nights' today and it was hilarious.

What was even funnier then the movie was the fact that this group of three dudes came in and sat in the same row as us, since the theatre was filling up quite fast. The dude sitting closest to me decided to give his friend a buffer zone of one seat, but that left him sitting directly next to me. I found that baffling, and made it a point to 'accidentally' touch him on the arm or hand everytime I reached for a sip of my water in my armrest cup-holder. Of course after listening to his friend repeat all the lines he thought was funny throughout the entire movie, I realized why that buffer zone may have been necessary.

But yeah, Will Ferrell didnt let me down, and I laughed my ass off. The supporting cast was also hilarious especially John C. Reilly and Amy Adams, who has become one of my favorite comedic actresses over the last year. Not even Applebee's could ruin this movie.

In other news, I decided to keep working nights at Target on the weekends for now. Its pretty sucky as far as my sleep schedule goes, but I am going to need every last dime I can get with my near future plans for the studio. First of all, I am going to have to pay for the mixing, mastering and pressing of the first album/demo, and second of all, I am already itching to get started on the recording and arrangement of the next one. So its going to be an expensive winter. The sacrifice of sleep and freetime will be worth it in the long run.

What is it that I find so funny about 'Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman' references?

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The San Francisco Treat

Today I started working as a consultant for the Genentech Branch in South San Francisco. One of Kathy's friend's owns her own validation contracting company as well, only she has reached the point where she is bidding on jobs and hiring schmoes like me to help her make more money.

So I was brought in thanks to my unofficial expertise on the Kaye Validator 2000, as well as my extended knowledge of temperature mapping. In the next two months I will be doing re-validation studies on two cold rooms, and writing a few summary reports here and there. While doing so I will be making at least five times as much as I was working the graveyard at Target. The work will be a lot more draining on my mind, but it is only temporary and the money will help me move things along nicely, considering I still have to finish this first demo album, and I am already getting excited about starting the second one this winter.

The really sucky part will be the commute to South San Francisco. It can sometimes take a couple hours depending on what time I hit the Bay Bridge both on the way there, and on the way back. I will be able to do some of the work at home, which is nice, but most of the work I will have to be onsite for. So needless to say, I am going to be racking up the miles as well as the gas expenditures.

The good part is that if I do well, she might be hiring people this spring for the CCP2 project at Genentech in Vacaville. Which would mean no commute, and a lot of money to have to spend on music.

In music related news, I have finished recording all my parts for the upcoming demo album. I go in on tuesday with Mike to hopefully finish recording most of (if not all) of the tracks. Then it will just be a matter of mixing and pressing.

This first album is going to be 8 or 9 tracks, and is really just a formality. Like I have said a million times to so many of you, I am not going to spend the amount of time I would like to on it, because we are in desperate need of a decent demo. This will definitely do the trick. However, I have also started writing for the second album which will get all the attention to detail it will need. I am excited about the new songs I have been writing, and even more excited about what direction I can take them when I start tearing them apart and piecing them back together in the studio.

Either way, I look forward to the months ahead of working my ass off on a lot of different things, including the promotion of not an Airplane. That will be something new, and a learning experience for sure.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Who has Time for Space-Time

While watching a few minutes of some sci-fi series on spike in the breakroom at target, I came across a thought I hadn't previously considered.

If one was to develop a way to instantaneously travel through the time dimension (that's a big if of course), one might end up in the middle of space, or - depending on how much time they travel - one could even end up buried underground.

Its a pretty common notion, just one I haven't really considered until now. Because we know the earth is moving in the space dimension as it moves along in the time dimension. So basically make sure you have an understanding of the entire space-time continuum before you go and do anything stupid like invent instantaneous time travel.

Or at the very least, bring a spacesuit and a shovel for those emergency cases.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

VCast My Ass

James Earl Jones and that dorky guy with the glasses who is always asking whether or not someone can hear him now have finally decided to start taking advantage of me.

I recently upgraded my phone and got the whole Mobile Web thing from Verizon Wireless. This allows me to do numerous things such as check my email, find movie times, directions, and even instant message people through AIM or Yahoo. Its turned out to be a nice little tool when I dont have my laptop with a wireless connection around.

But it turns out that if you are instant messaging people using AIM or any other form of instant messenger, ever message you recieve and send counts as a text message and goes into your usage. So apparently I pay a monthly flat fee for the web usage (roughly $15), but I also am supposed to pay for every single instant message that goes through this web I am already paying for.

This wouldnt be a huge deal, except everytime I am signed on both my computer and on my phone, I recieve messages on both. So if I was instant messaging you on the computer, every message you sent me also goes to my phone, and I get charged for it. So needless to say, I am getting dramatically ripped off, and not only that, but this was all never mentioned to me once when purchasing my new plan.

I am going to do my best to get out of these ridiculous charges, and of course, I am going to stop using my phone for instant messaging (which I have already done for the most part anyways). And if Verizon doesnt cooperate at all, they are going to lose a customer the same way Cingular did a few years ago, when they were always fucking up my bills.

Stupid Technology (except iPod's...mmm iPods).

Friday, July 28, 2006

Animation Proclamation

I got my animated movie fix today with the anticipated viewing of 'Monster House'. For those of you who know me, I am a huge fan of animated movies, and combine that with the Zemekis, Spielberg combination, who are best known for their work together on 'Back to the Future', and you've got one happy Nick.

I haven't seen an animated movie in the theatres in a while. Since 'Wallace and Gromit' actually. There are a lot I wanted to see, but never got around to it. Like 'Over the Hedge', 'Hoodwinked', and 'Cars' even. I can honestly say 'Cars' doesnt look to thrilling, but Pixar has never failed to satisfy me.

And its that time of the year where the animated movies start piling up to. 'Open Season' and 'The Barnyard' are coming up, and the list will just keep going on.

I don't know what the point of this post was other to express my love for animated movies, and to say that 'Monster House' was good. It wasnt your average 'the house is' scary story. There was a hint of originality, despite the obvious 'Goonies' character influences. Its a fun filled adventure for the whole family!!!

And you get to see the preview for 'Night at the Museum' which looks great. Ben Stiller you've done it again.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Typecast Sense Sign thats Unbreakable... the village? (**Spoilers**)

What happens when you make a great movie with an amazing twist at the end of the story that no one ever expected?

Apparently you are expected to do the same over and over again. Much like M. Night Shyamalan.

I went to see 'Lady in the Water' today and I was pleased. Judging from other peoples reactions, the feeling was not mutual. I heard numerous comments that sounded a lot like this, 'Where is the twist?'. As the end credits rolled, everyone was confused as to why M. Night didnt make Paul Giamatti 'dead the whole time', instead of enjoying the beautiful story he put on the screen for us.

I wasn't completely satisfied with the movie, but I did love the story, and despite what most people would say there are a few 'twists' throughout the end of the movie that were very important for the overall message of the movie.

So what I'm trying to say is that M. Night is a great story teller, and at the same time he gets in some good burns on film critics, and does quite a bit of acting himself. He combines fairy tale with realism to create a beautiful story about change and about bringing people together. I recommend seeing it.

I realize this should probably be in 'my reviews' blog, but oh well.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Share and Share alike...

Whats up with those fancy-pants restaurants where everyone orders a dish or two and you share everything? I mean I know its probably common in a lot of cultures, especially when dealing with family type situations, but I've been to a couple of these places and had a couple different experiences.

The first time I went there was only about 4 of us, so it was kindof a huddled order to make sure everyone was happy. I got my fill of delicious meat products and we all drank liquor out of a giant bowl in the middle of the table with little plastic giraffes floating inside. It sounds crazy I know, but it was a lot of fun. Mainly because it was a small party and we all knew what each other would like.

The second time I went was still fun, but only cause I got lucky. There was about 10 of us this time, and we all ordered a couple small plates of food. The food was delicious and I did get to try some things I would have never thought of ordering, but I also turned down a lot of plates, cause who the hell wants to eat white bean salad while someone else is taking a mini burger off of my plate. Lucky for me, every guy at the table ordered the steak plate, so I pretty much had that one to myself. I'm not complaining, cause its cool to get together with everyone and sit around a big table and eat, but call me selfish cause I would much rather prefer to order my own food and then pick at everyone else's plates anyways.

Monday, July 17, 2006

I'm Alone, I'm an Easy Target

Tonight I start working at Target. Hooray! I got the 3am til 11am shift unloading trucks and stocking shelves. It ought to be about as much fun as working at Wal-Mart. In other words, none.

The good thing is it will give me a few hundred dollars a week to spend on studio time and new equipment. And its an easy job, so it will be stress free and will still give me a lot of freedom to keep the music going and whatnot.

The even better thing is that it will most likely be over before I know it. Kathy is working on getting me some contract work which would start within the next couple weeks if I am lucky. I will have to commute all the way to San Fran, which would suck on a lot of days, but I can make a lot of money in the 2 months or so that I would be working - which will in turn give me a lot of freedom to start promoting my debut album - which will hopefully be done around the same time the job will be done. - Octoberish.

So I've got to rearrange my schedule a little bit, and most days I won't be getting too much sleep. But we will see what happens, and hopefully things will work out pretty well. I'm more then willing to sacrifice a little sleep to keep the music going, and I am reaching the point where a little money is needed in order to do so. Hopefully the hard work will pay off and some doors will start to open...but I don't like to get into that these days...I just will work hard and see what happens.

The first official not an Airplane show is this thursday.

And to top off the week, a lot of great movies come out on friday. I love movies.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Not So Ultimate Frisbee

Since when did Ultimate Frisbee become a pansie sport? Short from tackling each other, I recall that it was pretty much full contact back when I used to play it on those cold thanksgiving reunion parking lot trips. Sure I know that we never played ANY rules, and Im sure that there has always had to be a few, especially in the college game, but its gone haywire.

I played a pickup game today with some UC Davis alum, and current students that I found online. Of course I was quite a bit rusty, given that its been years since I've played in an actual game. But I was unpleasantly surprised at the similarities between Ultimate Frisbee in Basketball. In other words 'Oww he fouled me' (in whiny pansie voice).

Not only was I baffled at the fact that everyone was wearing cleats and were calling plays (which were useless) but to top it off, the stoppage of play due to 'fouls' and 'picks' made things even more ridiculous. There was one time during the game where a teammate and myself criss-crossed and the defender defending him started yelling 'PICK PICK' about 5 feet before he ran into me. Of course this led to a stoppage of play where I was reprimanded for not remaining in my exact location until the frisbee was put back into play. What?!

Its amazing how California can turn such a great game as Ultimate Frisbee into such a whiny sport. I should have seen it coming considering the only people who ever end up playing Ultimate on a 'serious' level only do so because they can't succeed at any real sports.

I used to love playing the free for all back and forth non-stop Ultimate games in high school and the early college years. Those were fast paced and fun, and nobody whined, even when me and Sparky kicked everyone's ass. I would take Sparky and yes even Kearney over any of these professional cry-baby's anyday.

This is worse then what Californian's have done to Beer Pong with their allowing defensive blowing from everyone. Idiots.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Self Titled Journal Entry

Texas was a blast. I got to do everything on my list of things to do before I die, and I didn't even have a list.

I got to eat giant turkey legs while watching the knights battle with swords, axes, and maces in an obviously rigged fight, because we all know the Blue Knight was superior to all the other Knights. I guess even he has to step down once in a while to let the other crappy Knights win. What I'm trying to say is that we went to Medieval Times. If you have one near you I highly recommend going, getting drunk, and getting rowdy. The best part is how it turns into a little kid night club with a dance floor and rap songs blaring when the fighting is all said and done. I wish Dwight bought me a sheild.

I got to barrel roll a TC-13 (I think that was the type of plane) straight into the ground from twenty thousand feet up, or at least simulate it. Thanks to Neil's overall popularity in every military base (because he is a war hero), Dave (Neil's brother) was able to pull some strings at his Airforce base to get Neil some time on a flight simulator. And of course Neil brought us with him, and it was awesome. Sparky is apparently a natural, so eventually when he forms his hippie militia, be prepared to be attacked from the sky. I got to go last, so when the time was up, the guy in charge just told me to crash the plane, which I had been waiting to do since I started, so I did...And I went out with style.

I ate a million burritos from all sorts of different mexican restaurants, I took a million trips to the airport and another million back from the airport. People were coming in and leaving the entire two weeks. We all got to hang out again for the first time since we all went to Denmark about a year ago. We went to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar and sang along to songs and requested 'Barbie Girl' and 'It's Raining Men'. We played 'Ghostbusters' as many times as we could on each Jukebox we encountered along the way. One bar manager cut it off before we made it to the first chorus in one bar. Neil gave them hell for that, and even got his dollar back. Hilarious.

I designed the website for my new music project not an Airplane. I watched season 1 of LOST over again so Sparky could see it, and I watched season 1 of Arrested Development again so Neil could see it. I even kept Sparky company when he went to see WWE's Vengeance at the Movie Tavern. A movie theatre that serves beer and food to you at your seat. Utopia.

It was a great couple weeks, and we packed a lot of stuff in. From Working on Dwight's House, to Working on my Happy Gilmore Drives at the driving range.

I am sad to leave it all behind, because I havent been so relaxed and care-free in a long time. Being around my friends helps me forget about everything I am ever worried about, and I barely even thought about the music, and I actually got some peaceful sleep. But of course its time to get back to work, for all of us. Neil is headed back to Iraq til November, and Sparky is headed to Finland for a film project opportunity, which I am excited about for him. And I am back in Northern California doing what I do. Ill be back in the studio July 11th, and I am looking for a part time job to pay those bills and the few other ones I have stocking up.

It was really good to see everyone again, and of course its only a matter of time until we all re-unite again. I couldn't have dreamed up a better two weeks.

Well now that I am done listing everything we did, I am going to go. Wasn't that journal entry exciting?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

New Stuff

Well I finished up the new website for my new music project 'not an Airplane'. I added a link to the right so check it out.

I will also be posting my usual album of the month and mix of the month a little late this month. But I will get it up as soon as I can. I am very busy here in Texas, and Neil comes back into town today for a couple days before he heads back to Iraq, so I will be even busier.

So anyways, as soon as I have the time, I will put those posts up.

I can tell everyone is super excited.

I almost got rid of this blog too, but I decided to keep it. I made the background white for some reason, and I can't tell if I like it, or if it annoys the shit out of me. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Futuristic Nipple Gazing

So today I am off to Texas for sixteen days.

I am going to get to see Neil, Sparky, Dwight, Dwight's New House, Mcmahon for a couple days, Laura (aka Mrs. Prakash), Cracker and a bunch of knights while I eat giant turkey legs (we are going to Medieval Times.

Its going to be an action-packed 16 days of non-stop hilarity and furniture building.

I am excited.

When I get back, its straight to work on a couple things. Getting a bullshit job to pay the bills and to help pay for studio time, and getting the new music project off the ground.

I may even start an official website by the end of this month with the help of Sparky and George. So all this blogging crap could get moved...who knows.

Ill keep you updated.

Either way sleep is out of the question for awhile...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Indie Culture

Does anyone else think that pop culture is getting worse and worse, and Indie art is getting better and better. Maybe its because of the increase access of Indie music that I am just starting to figure this out, or maybe its because I am a moron that doesnt know what he is talking about.

I mean there has always been great art that went unnoticed until years and years later. Look at the Velvet Underground. They are considered to be one of the most influential bands these days, but back when they were around, they were playing for 80 people. I suppose time always does bring out the best stuff into a more mainstream light.

But thats why I love the internet. Because now we have everything at our disposal. You can hear the latest pop chart topper, or you can hear some schmuck recording folk songs in his basement like me. Except Im not even cool enough to have a basement.

Even in film too. Some of the best films Ive seen in the last couple years would be considered 'indie' films. Or stem from an Indie background.

I guess all I am trying to say is how great it is that we have all this at our disposal. Thats all.

Your thoughts?

Friday, June 02, 2006

When You Wake Up Feeling Old...

The last couple weeks have been quite awesome-tastic.

For starters I got to see Beck last week, and the Eels tonight. I was really impressed with both acts, moreso then I ever expected. Beck put on a fantastically entertaining show including a puppet show of the concert behind the actual concert on stage, and many other quirky entertaining things as well. I enjoyed the Eels much more, which has a lot to do with the fact that I am a much bigger fan of the Eels then I am of Beck. But overall I was more impressed with the individual musicianship of the Eels, as well as the overall rocking-ness of the show. I realize I am making up words, but you can look them up in the rhyming Beck-tionary. Anyways, go see either one of these acts if they come your way...

I also recently bought a Line 6 POD 2.0 for use in the studio. It is an amp modulator that was recommended to me by the producer in the studio I am recording in. It turns out it is quite the useful tool and has given me and Mike some beautiful tones to work with. Its taken our sound into a new direction that is more modern, and a lot more professional. Its also changed the way we approach things, and has gotten us a lot more involved in the collaborative writing process.

Mike will be joining me in the studio from here on out, and we will be writing a lot, if not all, of the songs together. I have decided to spend all the time it takes to put out a decent album rather then just a decent EP. So it could be a while before anything is distributed, but it will be worth it. Its going to take time and money which I am more then willing to spend. I have completed 2 sessions in the studio by myself, and things are looking very promising, and the stuff sounds great so far. I am excited to see where everything goes, and what happens over the next few months and months.

Other then that I am just hanging out and waiting for mid-june when I take off for Texas once again. My old pal Neil is going to be on R&R from Iraq and will be in Texas for a week. Then I will stick around and hang with Sparky for another week while we wait for Neil to show back up in Texas for a couple more days. Its going to be a great couple weeks which will mostly be spent in Dwights brand new house. Its a pretty sweet house, although my one sole mission is to infiltrate Dwight's master bedroom and take a big dump in there. I really should get some higher life goals.

So yeah June will be a low-key month for me, but hopefully things will start to take off this summer when I get back to Northern California. My plan is to start playing more shows in the Bay Area (starting off just acoustic) and also to get a job to help fund studio time and new and better equipment. Mike and I are going to keep practicing and writing every chance we get, and recording as well. For once I feel like I am moving in the right direction, and it is motivating me to work harder and harder.

Anyways, I felt like I should update cause its been so long. But its just another boring rant about my musical aspirations and blah blah blah. I love you. You. No not you. You. Ok you too.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Couch Guy

I have unofficially become the couch guy at my friend's house. I have been here for about 2 weeks now give or take, and am living out of a suitcase with the comfort of my laptop, my guitar, and a few books. It is a life I haven't lived for a couple of years now, but I can't really complain, cause things like that never get to me. Nowadays alls I need is a little money for food - which is covered for now thanks to my income tax return - and a place to work.

My days usually consist of lethargically resting in front of a fan, since it is already 90+ degrees here everyday. I wallow in my own sweat reading passages from books and watching television and occasionally snacking on some cheez-its. Then as it starts to cool I usually make my way into the music room to play a little either by myself, or with Mike and/or Ryan. I spend most of my nights tweaking out my material for the upcoming time in the studio (starting monday) and messing around with a few new ideas.

I am trying to focuse solely on this upcoming recording project, so the writing has slowed down a bit. I still write words, all the time...I just havent really taken it from there. But it is a good idea to stop and develop this first wave of creativity. There will be plenty of time to amass new ideas afterwards.

Completing this album will also give me the motivation and drive to put myself out in the music world a lot more. It will give me something of substance that I will want to share with other people. It will make me take this a lot more seriously. Not that I dont take it seriously, I just havent taken the business end of it as far as I could at this point. I think this project will definitely take my motivation to the level it needs to be at.

But I hate making predictions, because for one - they never seem to come true - and for two - it leads to expectations, which leads to letdowns. Not that I dont have goals for myself, but goals and predictions are two different things. I have it all planned out in my head of how I want it to go, but we all know that nothing ever works out the way you see it inside, but I'd like to think that no matter what it will have the same outcome for myself. That outcome being - me making music, and sharing it with other people. As long as I am doing this, it doesnt matter how I got there or at what level I am doing so.

But Im ranting...Its becoming more and more difficult to organize my thoughts. The more ideas that are presented to me in exploring my own music, the more ideas surface in my head. My thought pattern is like rain coming down on a tin roof. Its very hard to distinctly recognize each idea, and even harder to present the idea in an understandable form. But its all a learning process. Will I ever be satisfied? I doubt it. But what artist ever is? What writer ever is? What painter ever is? Nothing is ever perfect, and the more and more elements you try to get involved, the more dishevelled and harder to organize the ideas become.

I dont know what I am saying. Just rambling on. Its nice to have an outlet to write (i.e. this blog). I do miss my closest friends and my family. Its hard not to have the people around whom you always turned to when you needed advice. The people that understand you the most. You know you are, and you are all sexy. Especially Neil.

By the way...'The Gingerdead Man' is the worst movie in the history of the world, despite its hilarious premise.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

One Potato Couch Potato

Well its back to dwelling on a couch for me for a while.

I am currently crashing with my bandmates in their house occupied by five dudes and five birds. I share a room with the birds. The only difference is, I get a leather couch and they get cages. But they also get a bowl of food and water, where as I have to fend for myself. Whats that about? Lucky birds.

I have also acquired every Simpsons episode on my computer, so needless to say my production has been very slow the last couple of days, since I have done nothing but watch said episodes while sweating my nutsacs off on my leather couch house in ninety degree heat.

On a more productive note, I have also been looking for studios to start recording my acoustic album. I have found a studio in Sacramento that seems very professional, but also very expensive, which I suppose goes hand in hand. I am meeting with them on thursday to talk over ideas and get a tour of the studio. I am excited, mainly because their professionalism may result in something I am actually content with. I think they will be a huge help in getting my ideas out of my head and into something with substance. But only time will tell.

I am looking forward to meeting them and getting things started, although it may mean some financial cutbacks on my part. I am already looking for a part time job to help pay for this, and I am even debating holding off on purchasing a new amp when my tax return check gets here. But I have never been one to have will power and the ability to save money. Although I have also never been one to have future aspirations...

Either way, I am going to see The Eels on June 1st, which is going to be cool. And I will most likely be partying in Texas mid june with the whole crew including Neil and Sparky at the same time, for the first time since we went to europe for Neils wedding a little over a year ago. So needless to say, only hilarity will ensue.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Welcome to the Working Week

Well, Im gonna get a job again. At least I intend to if I can find something. In a week I will be moving to Davis to live on a couch owned by my pals, who are also my bandmates. So I think I will try to find some sort of easy job that is within bike riding distance and I can make enough money to pay my bills and have a little left over to blow on music gear every now and then. So that ought to be cool...except for the working part. Maybe I will become a male stripper?

I am also getting geared up to start branching off into the bay area soon. I keep thinking that, but always hesitate, because sub consciously I dont think I am ready.

We have a demo now as a band, which will help, but we are coming up to another busy month and a half, where everyone in the band is racked with schoolwork so we may want to be patient.

I have done a little writing again too, which is refreshing, cause I was worried it would be hard to get back into if I took a break from it. Luckily for me I have all sorts of great stuff around me to influence me, and I am trying to get better and better. Which reminds me - I would like to do a lot more reading, of poetry and books and I would love to hear some suggestions of things to check out. George - I really want to check out a Henry Miller book, and was wondering what would be a good one to start on. Seriously people give me suggestions.

Anyways, I have been writing some more folky/acoustic stuff recently mainly because I was thinking of recording a solo acoustic album to give me something to do. I mean a lot of people may shake their heads at that statement, because I am also trying to record an album with Chris and continue work with The Human Fund. But due to everyones schedules right now, that work is limited and will take a long time before anything is produced. Especially with Chris, who is almost never available. I usually spend all this freetime practicing, but I would like to branch out even more, which will open up my practicing to more then that of the guitar. It will help me practice collaborating with other people (whoever I get to record and mix said album) and it will help me learn arrangement, since I will be trying to write different parts for different songs and so on.

But who knows what will happen. A lot of my songs I wouldnt be satisfied with being just acoustic, but there is a decent sized chunk I could see fitting that style. So Im gonna keep writing and see what I can come up with. If I can get a solid 8-10 tracks I will really consider completing this project as soon as possible.

I just get really antsy about getting my material out there, and making it so other people can hear what I have to say. If they dont like it, thats fine, but I would be a lot more satisfied if I could make more and more of it accessible.

Anyways Im done blah blah blahing...

Check out the album of the month and such on my mixes blog...

Also, dont forget to give me reading suggestions!!!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Top Five Bands By Decade

I went to a Cracker show last October, and while pissing, a kid in a cowboy hat came in and exclaimed to me that Cracker was the best band still around. That got me thinking about whether or not he was accurate, or even if he was remotely accurate. And so this list was born so I could determine if Cracker was even in the running, and just how good they were. Not too mention I could also figure out just who is the best band still around...or the best band ever...

I am not talking my personal favorite bands, but rather who I think was the best...Of course I am not an expert of all type's of music, so if something great gets left out, I apologize...I am only working with what I know and what I have heard.

So read it and let me know what you think...(Side Note: I limited my honorable mentions to 3 bands for each decade, because I didnt want to just throw in everyone I thought was great- and all honorable mentions are in order of importance)

The 1960's - This Decade was much much harder then I ever imagined. So many great, influential bands and musicians...

1 - The Beatles - These guys went from 'Please Please Me' (1963) to 'Abbey Road' (1969) in just one decade. And only one (12 Total) album ('Let it Be' (1970)) is left out of consideration for this decade. This is some tremendous growth as a band, and some groundbreaking shit. They had no fewer then 27 #1 hits and at the same time became the first pop/rock bands to do things like use orchestrations on recordings, re-invent production techniques, and fuse genres the way they did, especially in the eyes of pop culture. They are also sometimes given credit for inventing the concept album with the release of 'Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band' (1967). All the while they never lost focus on their brilliant use of melody and their distinct vocal harmonies. They paved the way for rock music and popular music for generations to come. Most bands on these lists were most likely inspired by the Beatles, because they were brilliant.

2 - Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan is right up there with the Beatles and together they are responsible for the most important albums to this day, all which stemmed from this decade. Dylan not only wrote some of the greatest folk songs ever written, but also some of the greatest rock songs as well. He had a knack for being one step ahead of the game and John Lennon has even been known for being influenced by Dylan because he changed the way he looked at songwriting and the way he approached the music. Dylan was releasing 'Highway 61 Revisited' (August 1965) - his follow up to 'Bringin' it All Back Home' (March 1965) - while the Beatles were still making 'Help!' (August 1965). His growth as a musician and artist in the 60's was so rapid, he often left critics and fans behind. His songs have become staples for rock and roll, folk, and the way we look at the world in general.

3 - Miles Davis - Miles Davis is another one of those great artists that made music what it is today...Davis was pretty much responsible for every major development in Jazz music in the post WWII world. He is well known for popularizing jazz as well as being one of the most innovative jazz musicians in history. He released 12 albums in this decade, including the infamous 'Bitches Brew' (1969).

4 - The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground was never a commercially successful band, but they are still considered to be one of the most influential rock bands of all time. Brian Eno has been noted for saying that while only a few thousand people bought a Velvet Underground album upon initial release, almost every single one of them was inspired to start a band. They were one of the first bands to use feedback during recording and are often given credit for bridging the gap between the 60's style pop rock and the 70's punk rock movement. While my personal favorite album 'Loaded' was released in 1970, there most important and influential works were all released in the 60's including 'The Velvet Underground and Nico' (1967).

5 - The Beach Boys - While most of you know them as the surk rock annoying group who often appeared with Uncle Jessie on episodes of 'Full House', the Beach Boys were and are still one of the most influential studio bands in history. Brian Wilsons obsession with detail and skill in arrangement brought about 'Pet Sounds' in 1966. Not too mention his own brilliant album 'SMiLE' which would take form as a Beach Boys album known as 'Smiley Smile' (1967). 'SMiLE' itself would never be released until 2004, but the groundwork was laid in the sixties. Some will even argue that it was still the best album of the year when released two years ago...

Honorable Mentions (60's)-

Jimi Hendrix for his work with the Experience (e.g. 'Electric Ladyland' 1968) - Frank Zappa for his solo works as well as with the Mothers of Invention (e.g. 'Freak Out' 1966, 'Hot Rats' 1969) - The Rolling Stones For the release of some of the most important pop/rock albums in this decade (e.g. 'Out of Our Heads' 1965)

The 1970's -

1 - Pink Floyd - Pink Floyd was around for multiple decades as we all know, but the 70's was the highlight of their genius. The 70's brought the release of one of the greatest albums I have ever heard, 'Animals' (1977) as well as two of the most talked about rock albums of all time, 'Dark Side of the Moon' (1973) and 'The Wall' (1979). Not too mention the song 'Wish You Were Here' was released on the album of the same name in 1975. And I don't think I have ever met someone who couldn't recognize this song. Pink Floyd dominated this decade with their experimentation in the studio and with their amazing live shows (so I have heard- I've obviously never been - but one can dream).

2 - David Bowie - David Bowie is commonly known as the Chameleon of pop. He is known for predicting trends and adjusting his style's while still maintaining his own individuality and creativity. He has re-invented genres as well as made certain genres popular...He was put on the map in 1969 with his single Space Oddity, but his continued work in the 70's is what really brought out his genius. Including the albums 'The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust...'(1972) and 'Young Americans' (1975) which contained the single 'Fame'. Not only that but he also produced Lou Reed's Breakthrough solo album as well as Iggy Pop's album 'Raw Power' (1973).

3 - Bob Marley - Bob Marley is the most widely known reggae artist and is responsible for popularizing the genre outside of jamaica. He used his music as a symbol of peace and unity and blah blah blah. He wrote some of the most famous songs, a few of which were covered by great artists and turned into rock hits. His music was very powerful and he did nothing but good things with it.

4 - The Grateful Dead - This was a hard band for me to place, as they could technically be in any list from the 60's to the 90's, but they definitely did their best work in the 70's. The 1970's brought out 'American Beauty', 'Workingman's Dead', 'Steal Your Face', 'Terrapin Station', 'Shakedown Street' and many many others. Not too mention their infamous live shows in which they are well known for being pioneers in the jamband community. They brought a new meaning to having a cult following and were constantly touring. And of course Jerry Garcia can be considered one of the greatest and most influential guitarists of all time.

5 - Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath originated Heavy Metal and took hard rock to the next level. They combined melody with their innovative metal sound, and were denounced at first by critics but would go on to be recognized as one of the most important bands of the time, and are responsible for most of the way all genres of metal were shaped. And of course they released 'Paranoid' in 1970, which is one of the best metal albums ever, as well as nine other albums during this decade.

Honorable Mentions (70's) -

The Talking Heads - For their work in the 70's (e.g. 'Talking Heads: 77' 1977, 'Fear of Music' 1979) - The Clash - For the release of one of the greatest punk rock albums of all time ('London Calling' 1979) - The Who - For their work in the 70's (e.g. 'Quadrophenia' 1973, 'Who's Next' 1971)

The 1980's -

1 - The Talking Heads - Yes thats right, the Talking Heads are being mentioned in two decades. They just missed the top five in the 70's, but easily top the list in the 80's with the release of 'Remain in Light' (1980) and 'Speaking in Tongues' (1983) as well as three other studio albums, a couple live albums (including 'The Name of This Band is the Talking Heads' (1982)) and the one of the greatest rock movies of all time, 'Stop Making Sense' (1984). They were one of the most influential bands of this decade and helped lead the way for new wave bands after disco died, even Radiohead took its name from a Talking Heads song. Not too mention the Talking Heads had the best frontman ever.

2 - Prince - Prince is highly regarded as a music genius and besides writing and composing all of his own songs, he plays most instruments on all of his studio albums, and has even been known to write some chart-toppers for other artists. 1982 saw the release of the breakthrough album '1999' and with hits like 'Little Red Corvette', Prince joined Micheal Jackson and Lionel Richie as being part of the first wave of black artists to become part of the MTV generation. Then the Album 'Purple Rain' came in 1984 and spent 24 weeks in a row at the top of the charts. Not too mention he won an academy award for the movie of the same name, for best original song score.

3 - The Pixies - The Pixies were said to be ahead of their time musically. Kurt Cobain has even claimed in an interview that 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' (the song that arguably broke alternative rock into the mainstream) was his failed attempt to write a Pixie's song. They were one of the first alternative rock bands, and influenced many alternative rock artists that came shortly thereafter. They released four albums from 1987 - 1989, including 'Doolittle' in 1989. They had a very short lived career and would go seperate ways in 1993. But they are back now.

4 - The Smiths - The Smiths were one of the most successful alternative rock bands to emerge from the British Indie scene in the 80's. They have had a major influence on the whole Indie music scene, including the britpop movement and bands such as Radiohead and Oasis. They helped return guitar based music to popularity in the UK and released four studio albums as well as numerous compilations in a five year span (1984 - 1989).

5 - Husker Du - Husker Du is another one of those bands that was never extremely successful as a band, but when looking back is found to be highly influential and extremely important in the scope of things. They paved the way for alternative music to reach the mainstream by becoming one of the first underground American rock bands to contract a major label deal. They were a hardcore band with a strong melodic sense and are known for their high energy live shows and brilliant improvisation (so Ive heard - again I've never seen). They are one of the original Hardcore Punk Pete would like them.

Honorable Mentions (80's) -

Elvis Costello - For establishing himself as a Unique and Original voice in the 1980's - U2 - For their work in the 80's (e.g. 'War' 1983, 'The Joshua Tree' 1987) - R.E.M. - For their work in the 80's (e.g. 'Green' 1988, 'Document' 1987)

The 1990's - Another hard decade to decide. So much change in the music industry and innovating bands.

1 - Nirvana - Nirvana broke alternative rock into the mainstream with the release of their album 'Nevermind' in 1991. This sparked an offshoot of numerous alternative rock bands gaining popularity and taking over radio play and becoming a dominant genre of music. Frontman Kurt Cobain was considered the spokesman of a generation. 'Nevermind' went triple platinum in 6 months time in the U.S. and replaced Micheal Jackson's 'Dangerous' at the top of the charts. This was the defining moment of the rise of alternative rock over pop music during this time. They went on to release 2 more albums before Cobain committed suicide in 1994. After Cobain's death numerous live albums and other Nirvana compilations have been released with extreme success.

2 - Radiohead - Radiohead started out the nineties as an Alternative band spawned from the grunge and britpop movements, but by the end of the decade were making some of the most important music of the time. They released one of my favorite albums 'The Bends' (1995) and then changed alternative rock forever with 'Ok Computer' in 1997. They experimented with ambience and noise to create this Grammy Winning Alternative rock album. Many people consider 'Ok Computer' to be one of the most definitive music moments in the 20th Century, let alone the decade of the nineties.

3 - The Beastie Boys - The Beastie Boys were the first successful white rap group and combined hip-hop with rock and punk which would subsequently have a huge influence on artists in all three of those genres. There third album 'Check Your Head' (1992) went double platinum and paved the way for 2 EPs and four more full length albums that decade, including the album 'Hello Nasty' (1998) which one a grammy for best alternative music album as well as best rap performance by a duo for the song 'Intergalactic'.

4 - Phish - Phish is another one of those bands that have touched the last three decades and have been somewhat sucessful in all three, but their success, as well as musical talent and importance peaked in the nineties. They took the community world the Grateful Dead created and took it to the next level and really recreated the whole live experience. They were not known for their studio work, although the nineties saw their best studio work such as 'Rift' (1993) and 'Billy Breathes' (1996). They never recieved radio-play and grew successful simply on word of mouth and the power and energy of their live shows. They touched more genres with their music then most bands ever do.

5 - Beck - Beck re-invented the alternative rock genre as well as the folk genre by combining the two and adding his own creative style. He released three chart topping (top 20) albums in this decade, including 'Mellow Gold' (1994), 'Odelay' (1996), and 'Mutations' (1998).

Honorable Mentions (90's)

Pearl Jam - For their work in the 90's (e.g. 'Ten' - 'Yield' (1991 - 1998)), - Tool - For their work in the 90's (e.g. 'Undertow' 1993, 'AEnima' 1996), Weezer - For their work in the 90's (e.g. 'Pinkerton' 1996)

The 00's -

1 - Wilco - These guys started out as alt-country rockers in the nineties and slowly evolved into the electric rock band by 1999 with their release of 'Summerteeth'. But it wasnt until 2002 with the release of 'Yankee Hotel Foxtrot' that they were really put on the map. The album reached #12 on the charts and is considered to be one of the best albums of that year, as well as one of the most innovative of all time. Their follow up album 'A Ghost is Born' (2004) shows no sign of them slowing down and peaked at #8 on the charts as well as won the band a grammy for best recording packaging and best alternative album. Since then they have released a Double Live album 'Kicking Television' (2005) and it was one of the best pieces of music I heard that year. Wilco continues to grow as musicians, entertainers, as well as in the studio. They are one of the most artistic and innovative bands of all time.

2 - Guided By Voices - This is one of the all time greatest Indie rock bands of all time. They started out recording short low-fi indie songs in their basement and have since then gathered a collection of music easily comparable to that of Frank Zappa's prolific collection. They are best known for their short catchy indie rock tunes. The new decade has seen some of their best work and most professional with the release of 'Half Smiles of the Decomposed' (2004), 'Earthquake Glue' (2003) and 'Isolation Drills' (2001) which can be considered one of the best albums of the decade. They are not known for their commercial success, but I highly recommend checking them out.

3 - Outkast - These guys are currently one of the most successful hip hop artists of all time. Their album 'SpeakerBoxx/The Love Below' (2004) won them a grammy for best rap album of the year and is one of only three hip hop albums to go diamond. They are considered to be one of the most innovative hip-hop albums and have even been compared to the Beatles because of the effect they have had on popular music by re-inventing themselves. And I dont even like Hip Hop.

4 - The Flaming Lips - Even though the nineties brought 'Zaireeka' (1997) and 'The Soft Bulletin' (1999), it was only the beginning of what would come next from this band. They released 'Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots' in 2002, and it is considered much more accessible as well as critically successful. It is one of the greatest concept albums as well as albums ever made. Their ability for arrangement and experimentation continue to make them a great studio band, as well as a great live band, and as entertainers as a whole. The recently followed up Yoshimi with 'At War With the Mystics' (2006) and also have no signs of slowing down, with this equally brilliant album that shows growth in subject matter as well as artistic value.

5 - The Eels - This is another one of those bands that have been around for a while, and have never put out any bad work, but have recently been doing amazing things. Much like the rest of this 00's list. Most of you probably will remember the Eels from their one-hit 'Novacaine for the Soul' in 1996. But since then a man named E - the mastermind behind the Eels - has released 5 studio albums, 4 of which are from this decade, including the album 'Blinking Lights and Revelations' (2005) which is widely considered one of the best albums of the year. They have also released a couple live albums and some B-sides and rarities. Another great artist that shows no sign of slowing down.

Honorable Mentions (00's) -
Radiohead - Despite their truly groundbreaking work in the 90's they continue to re-invent themselves and create brilliant work (e.g. 'Kid A' 2000, 'Hail to the Thief' 2003) - Sonic Youth - For there work so far in this decade (e.g. 'Murray Street' 2002, 'Sonic Nurse' 2004) - The White Stripes - For there work in this decade from 'De Stijl' to 'Get Behind Me Satan' (2000-2005)

Up and Coming - Here are a few bands to keep your eyes peeled out for, because they have been doing nothing but brilliant work and still have four years to get on this top five list.

The Arcade Fire
Bright Eyes

So it turns out that stupid Texan was wrong, and Cracker isnt one of the best bands in the last 40 years. I mean sure they are up there, but there are atleast 16 bands listed above from the 90's and the 00's...I suppose David Lowery himself could be considered great because of his work with Camper Van Beethoven and Cracker combined...especially considering Camper Van Beethoven recently released one of their best albums 'New Roman Times' in 2004. Well if he keeps trying maybe he can put himself on this list someday...

And the thing I have learned from this list is that Wilco is the best band since the 60's with the exception of maybe Radiohead.

Anyways I would love to hear what you think of my list, and get some feedback...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Upcoming Blogger Events

Well I just wanted to post to forewarn all you readers of some music related blog activity in the very near future.

For those of you who aren't aware I will be handing out mixed CDs at all my acoustic shows every month. I will be making a different mix each month with a different 'theme' or whatever. Anyways I will be posting what those mixes consist of on a seperate blog in case you are at all interested in what music I am listening to...

The link for this blog can be found to the right of these posts labelled as "My Mixes" -

I will also be posting my "Album of the Month" around the same time (towards the end of each month). The album of the month is in no way restricted to albums released in that month. It will pretty much range from everything in my collection (all 1222 albums) to anything else I may acquire or hear during that month.

Anyways, its not really important but I wanted you guys to know it was there in case you are interested in what I am listening to, or if you are looking for new music to check out.

The first post will be posted around April 27th...


In a recent conversation with my pal George, he said that he believes that once you can stop being such a huge advocate for one particular aspect of music, you can see it as a whole. I thought this was a good observation and really summed up what I have been learning all the while.

I mean I started playing the guitar because I thought it was awesome. I thought a good guitar solo really made a song great no matter what else it may have contained. I would read the occasional issue of Guitar magazine and go out and listen to all the top rated 'guitar' albums, and immediately fall in love with the new riffs and licks by some of the greats.

Mostly I just obsessed with Phish and Trey's amazingly skilled guitar playing. Which can kindof be applied to George's statement if you twist it around a bit, because the same problem applies when you obsess over a specific artist or style even. I spent the first few years learning Phish songs and wishing I could play like Trey, and it wasnt until later that I realized not only how hard it is to perfectly emulate someones style, but how its damn near worthless. What do I look like the guitarist for the String Cheese Incident? BURN. That is when I became more comfortable with learning at my own pace, and developing my own style that may have hints of some of my favorite guitarists, but it is mine nonetheless. And I still have a lot to learn.

Even recently I have been focused on trying to be someone else musically. It has branched past the guitar obsession which is a good step, but lord knows I am a huge fan of Wilco, and when I listen to Jeff Tweedy, there is some sort of connection there to everything he is doing, that makes me wish I was doing the same thing...much like the feeling I used to get from watching Trey play the guitar. But after furthur thought, that even if the world was ready for someone to completely copy Tweedy, it would be damn near impossible. For one, I write songs different, about different things, with different types of melody lines and different rhythms. I mean even if I could sound exactly like him again it would be worthless.

What I really want is to express myslef as well as he does with his songs, and as well as Trey does with his guitar playing. Thats what it comes down to. And its a good realization to be at that acceptance of yourself as an artist, but its a stressful time as well especially when you are as amateur as myself and you have no idea how to get that expression out. But like I said in previous posts, I am making steps in the right direction. I am finally beginning to hear things the way I want to hear them...and I am working on making it possible for other people to hear them.

Will I ever be satisfied? I doubt it. But thats good, because that means I will always be growing as an artist. I always get excited when I reach the next step and then find that I am outgrowing it as quickly as it came along. The only problem is that sometimes I dont have the resources to get out of the rut. It can all be compared to my days sitting in my apartment practicing guitar and hitting learning plateaus there. If you keep working on it, you eventually overcome those plateaus, and you are that much better for it.

So I just gotta keep learning and working my ass off, and maybe someday I will be satisfied. Maybe someday the music will stop playing in my head and I'll be able to get some sleep.