Monday, September 11, 2006

Some Good News About Star Wars

Tomorrow they are releasing the original three Star Wars movies (episodes IV, V, and VI) in a limited edition two disc DVD collection that will fortunately contain the original cuts. This is such great news for us real Star Wars fans.

It turns out I will be able to watch this trilogy I so love without having to see Greedo shoot first, or the cartoon alien dance seen. I can finally watch Luke blossom from a power converter nerd, to a Jedi Master, without having to worry about seeing Hayden Christiansen in the final moments. I mean sure the Death Star explosion wont be as eventful, but at least I don't have to see Han Solo walk over Jabba's tail...

Finally I can go on with my life ignoring the existence of episodes I, II, and III, which were quite possibly the worst three movies ever made. Its a good thing they don't exist.


DwizzyRizzy said...

you overreact so much
the story doesnt change at all and the remastered versions are still great
now i agree that the orignals are better, and the scenes and changes made to the remastered ones are completely unneccessary but the movies are still fine
in fact i think if you saw the remastered ones without any knowledge of the orginals you would love them

Nick Shattell said...

Dwight Dwight Dwight...

I realize the stories dont change at all...and yes some of the remastered touches are nice and make the movie much more visually pleasing.

But there are certain moments that destroy the movies and make them unbearable. Would I still like them if I hadnt seen the originals first? Of course - only they would have scenes that I hated.

Its ok for me to like Beck's 'Guero' more then 'Guerolito' isnt it?

So in conclusion, I am not overreacting. The original Star Wars is great. The special edition isnt as good because of pieces here and there that suck more then a peruvian whore (ask Sparky how much they suck).


sparkythenomad said...

The originals are better, but mostly because of the Ewok song at the end of Return of the Jedi. I don't really care either way. They just want to make as much money as they can by having both versions out there. If I said anything more about Star Wars and actually cared, I would be too nerdy to like myself.

DwizzyRizzy said...

Damn it!

I thought you would overreact a lot more than that.

Once again I am humbled Sir