Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Fundamental Flaw of LOST...

Of course I love this show, it is very well written and it keeps me glued to my seat during each episode, and most of all, it keeps me looking forward to the next installment. But despite all this, there is one huge flaw that recently struck me while watching the beginning of Season 3.

Lets say, for instance, you are on Oceanic Flight 815 out of Sydney, Australia with a bunch of strangers, and the next thing you know you are a survivor of a horrible plane crash on what appears to be a deserted island. Within the first day, you can come to a safe conclusion that there is some sort of giant monster on this island, and it often scares the shit out of everyone when its heard late at night. To top things off, it slowly becomes more and more apparent that no one is looking for your plane anymore, and even if they were, they wouldnt know where to look.

Its about this time that everyone makes like Lord of the Flies meets Swiss Family Robinson, and the thought of getting rescued is replaced with the thought of settling in on your new beach community eating fish caught by the asian guy, and vegetables grown by his wife (its a good thing they were on the plane). Of course things look up for you when all of a sudden food starts falling from the sky in the form of Macaroni and Cheese and other non-perishable goodness.

Then things start to get weird, as you start to find out that there are other people on this island of yours. Not only that but they are smart, and it would appear they have been there for a long time. Sure they apparently like to steal children, but who knows what for, maybe they are Republican.

Then one day, you get tricked into being a kidnapping victim before you even know what hits you. You wake up in an underwater aquarium, or a polar bear's former cage. And you think to yourself, how can this get any worse?

But why? Why can't these people ever think about the up-side of things. Lets look at this whole situation from Kate's point of view. You spend your life running from the law, and avoiding being yourself...then one day you get dropped on an island paradise. No more running. But yeah I'd get sick of eating dried fish and cold cereal everyday too...until one day I get 'kidnapped' and someone is offering me a delicious eggs and bacon breakfast on the beach outside of their island villa. So if I was Kate, I'd obviousy get more mad right? Wrong. Who wouldnt throw down their arms at this point and immediately embrace 'Fake Henry Gale' as your new best friend.

Oh thats right, you cant betray your old 'friends'. You know, the ones you met about 2 months before. You know all those people who you have not been honest with at all, and neither have they been to you. Just because you want some hot man love from Sawyer and Jack, doesnt make you a bad person for wanting to join Gilligan's Island society.

Sure someday you might end up like Julliette and cry listening to 'Downtown', but I say its worth it for the bacon and eggs.


Anonymous said...
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Nick Shattell said...

Thats what happens you say bad things about LOST and us people who watch it...your comment gets deleted.

Take that society!!!!

Nick Shattell said...

Me talk english good.

Anonymous said...


DwizzyRizzy said...

the fundamental flaw of lost is charlie....he fuckin sucks

sparkythenomad said...

Well, this is probably the worst post that you have ever posted in your young adult blog life. I wouldn't be too excited about being trapped by people who know everything about me and everyone else... especially if they were as ugly as fake Henry Gale. Secondly, Kate can't fuck Sawyer from another cage, and Jack is even farther away. So, why should she be excited?

Look at me! I'm Dickey! I want to get eaten by a polar bear! I want to get run over by a boar! I want to hang out with a stupid heroine addict, a dumb interracial couple, a whining mom and baby, and a boxmaker who makes stupid decisions and thinks he knows everything! Also, I want to get consumed by a black smoke monster.

Geez Dickey, maybe you've become even stupider than Driveshaft. Time to cover "You All Everybody." So much for your music career.

Nick Shattell said...

Wow I didnt realize that Shannon's death hit you so hard Sparky.

sparkythenomad said...

It didn't... but apparently the Coors Original did last night.

I love you.

Nick Shattell said...

The first step to solving the problem is admitting you have a problem.

And that problem is that Coors Light is the worst beer ever.

DwizzyRizzy said...

Wait Kete's a fugitive?

sparkythenomad said...

Who is Kete?

DwizzyRizzy said...

Dude Kete is the way Australians say Kate.

I cant wait until shannon comes back from the dead....i love her

GS said...

Lost sucks

Nick Shattell said...

This coming from someone who watches 'Laguna Beach'...

frillytoothpicks said...

this was the best string of blog comments to ever hit house of sand and blog. kudos - wish i could interact with this trio in texas.

driving just a bike sucks sometimes.

Anonymous said...

OK, I've never seen lost... but I've now developed a sudden fear of flying over the Pacific from Sydney. Thanks Dickey.

Also, Dwight - Actually, the Aussie way of saying Kate would be Kazza. I know it doesn't make any sense, but nothing Aussies do makes any sense.

And yes, Coors Light is truly the worst beer in America.

-Kezza (that would be Aussie for Kerry)