Monday, June 06, 2005


Well its Monday, so that means I should probably pick up my guitar and see if I still know how to play it considering I havent since last monday. This could make for an interesting performance tonight. But either way, Dwight will laugh...So its all good.

So I talked to my old workin' buddy J-RO (Jon Roppel) who recently went to work for a seperate Validation company known as O'Brien and Geere. He got some sort of management position and when he left, told me how much he wants to convince them to let me come work for him. Which I immediately told him would definitely be an option.

So he came to see me today, cause his firm (or whatever you want to call it) got hired for some job on the Bristol Site doing Validation for building 73A, which honestly, I never even heard of...But he mentioned how he has been pushing really hard to convince them to let him hire someone, and he is even pushing for it to be a permanent position, rather then something temporary. He seemed optimistic. I of course, am not going to get my hopes up too much, but you know, I sent him a copy of my resume, and told him I was definitely interested. So I will weigh my options when the time comes I suppose.

The job he mentioned was located in Puerto Rico, which means I could convince Sparky to come live with me for awhile and be my interpreter so I dont end up eating Veggie Tacos...That would be hell. Oh and so I can find out where to get the best drugs. I love Drugs.

But like I said, we will see when the time comes.

1 comment:

sparkythenomad said...

Puerto Rico with Dickey? Where do I sign up?